Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Me and my Dog

 I know, it should be my dog and I, but I'm still more important and it is age before beauty and I've got him on that too.  This is the first time I am taking care of our dog by myself and that should make all of us a little nervous. My wife is away for two days and I've got notes and a plan.  Last night was our first meal together and I know you're going to want to be a part of it.

My wife bought me a rotisserie chicken, which of course is one of my favorite foods.  Odin, our dog pictured below, he was scheduled to have some salmon, carrots, and broccoli cut up and of course have some of MY chicken.  He was hungry and I was hungrier, but I got his meal ready first.  He was definitely eyeing MY chicken as I heated up his meal.  

When I put down his meal, he went after it, much like I go after MY chicken. Moments later he was almost finished and I now had MY heated chicken in front of me.  I realized I forgot his broccoli.(no surprise there)  So, I improvised and cut up some broccoli and cut up some of MY chicken, heated it a little and then dumped it, or beautifully placed it on his plate with his leftover food.

As I started devouring MY chicken, Odin ate 85% of what was on his plate and then came over to me to wait for more of MY chicken. I realized that he is now the only one who can watch me eat a rotisserie chicken.  My kids and my wife block their view or look the other way from the spectacle.

Odin would not stop staring me down with an occasional bark or two.  Below you can see him waiting for more of MY chicken.  Here's how the conversation went between us:

Odin: I want more chicken.

Me: Odin, you've eaten a lot and eaten very quickly, rest for now.

Odin: I ate as quickly as you are, I don't see you resting.

Me: I just started and it's MY chicken.  Ok, here's a couple small pieces.

Odin: That was really good, Mom would give me more.

Me: Mom isn't here and it's not her chicken.  Ok, a couple more small pieces, but that's all-all gone.

Odin: That was good too, but I'm now standing on my legs and I still see a big chicken.

Me: Don't worry, I'm going to make it disappear once you stop interrupting me.  Okay, two more, but that's it.  Finish what's on your plate.

Odin: I like the chicken better, you finish what's on my plate.

Me: No more Odin, or I'll send you to your room.  All gone... no more after this piece.

Odin: Okay, but I'm going to lay down right next to the kitchen table and your foot if you change your mind.

It was a good meal and I saved some chicken for tonight's meal.  He's going to daycare today so I have the whole day to get ready for his next dinner. 


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