Wednesday, March 23, 2022

My Last "Real" Vacation

Coming up this spring I'm going to go on vacation.  Going on vacation is a pretty normal thing for a lot of people, however, this is my first "real" vacation in 15 years. There have been many times I've visited family over the past four years and you could say it was a vacation, but a "real" vacation?

Four years ago, my wife and I came down here to Myrtle Beach for the weekend to check it out as a place we might move to. You could say that was a vacation, but we went out with a realtor to look at neighborhoods and the area.  We went to the beach, but didn't step in the sand. (which is the way to do it if you're not a beach person) So, technically, we were away and I wasn't working, but it's hard to count that as a "real" vacation.

When you're used to working and you enjoy working and you need to pay the bills to raise your family, going on vacation isn't a top priority. My last "real" vacation was taking the family to Disney World by train, yes by train. It's easy to fly or drive, but taking a train is more of an adventure. It may have been the most memorable trip we've ever made to Disney World.

How bad could a train ride be? We didn't have a sleeping compartment and we thought at night time it would be pretty dark.  Unfortunately, there was one bright light near us that didn't go off which made sleeping a bit challenging.  It would be quiet at night, right? Well, there seemed to be a few kids who maybe didn't have parents and they would come through regularly in the middle of the night. On the way home, all the riders had to stand outside the train in the sun and 90 degree temperatures and we were basically read the rules of the train. It was not very customer friendly.

My next vacation is going to be better and I know there are going to be several times on the trip that I will say, "I feel a blog coming."

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