Thursday, March 3, 2022

Why Did The Geese Cross The Road?

 We all know the joke/saying, "Why did the chicken cross the road?", and the answer of course is, "to get to the other side." However, is that why geese cross the road? Below is a picture of two geese that roam our neighborhood.  We actually have four in our development.

Geese must be pretty smart, because they take the same paths every day.  Maybe they are getting their steps in at the same time my wife and I are walking our dog? There is however a reason for them walking-they go from pond to pond.  Here's a great picture of where they are headed this morning.

A little while back I blogged about the deer I see on the side of the road as I drive to and from Charleston.  Deer are attracted to the headlights and sound of the highway and they feel more secure on the side of the road then from predators in the woods.  A week ago Sunday, going to Charleston, I saw something I've never seen-two deer in different places that were not facing the road, they were facing the woods.

Was it a good sign or a bad one that I saw two asses facing me? I checked Mr. Google, whom I'm told knows everything, but I didn't find an answer.  Could it be they were just facing the woods to watch for predators? I don't know, but that Sunday was the best day I've ever had financially as an Uber driver.  Probably just a coincidence, but I'm okay if the deer aren't facing me, as long as they stay off the road.

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