Monday, March 21, 2022


 It took 10 1/2 months for my car to arrive, but it suddenly made it last Tuesday. On Monday, I spoke with my salesman and he checked and said that it was still in the water coming from Spain. He had said they would know when it landed and he'd have a date when they would get it, but it didn't happen that way. Tuesday afternoon he called and said, "What are you doing?" I said, "I'm sitting down, but I can jump up and down if you have some good news." He said it was in and I replied, "You have it there?"

Wednesday morning I sold my old van pictured below with 257,000 miles on it.  Two years of use as full-time courier, 3 1/2 years as an Uber driver on the weekend and a number of round trips up to New Jersey. Below is a picture of this great car that also gave 7,500 Uber/Lyft rides.

The orange car is a tribute to my Dad who we lost a year ago.  His favorite color was orange and I'm pretty sure he never would have driven an orange car, but he would have loved this one. Below is a picture of me at the dealership and also the middle of the car. There are two more seats in the back, one is down for luggage.

The new car drives the same, but there are a lot more buttons to play with up front and I've got a way to go before I get the heat and A/C working the way I want it.  I have Sirius XM radio for a few months, but I have no clue how to get the stations and save them.  Don't worry, my wife has me in training already. 

The back seats are something else, since you have to move them back and forth to get a flat surface for luggage. I didn't figure it out this weekend, but the light bulb went on today when my wife explained it. I got by this weekend taking luggage and putting it in the back, but not on a flat surface. On one trip, I opened the back which goes up and the woman's suitcase slid down and out of the car, perfectly standing up the right way. It was a "10" landing. The woman laughed and said, "What a car!" I'll do better next time I'm driving.  

The orange car, or the sunshinemobile, should take me through the next 10,000 to 12,000 rides-it's going to be fun!

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