Thursday, October 6, 2022

What Does TGIF Really Mean To You?

I recently found out that the popular phrase TGIF, may not mean the same thing to everyone. It stands for, Thank God It's Friday, but why do people say it? Are they happy that the work week is ending, or the weekend is beginning, or both?

The phrase TGIF became popular in 1965 with the opening of the restaurant T.G.I. Friday's, but really became popular in 1978 with the movie, "Thank God It's Friday.  The movie starred Debra Winger, Jeff Goldblum and singer, Donna Summer. 

I have never been someone to be looking forward to the weekend and I probably have never said TGIF. However, I thought people were saying it because they were looking forward to the weekend and the weekend starts on Friday night, or does it? When does your weekend start?

I was talking to a friend this week and mentioned that my favorite day of the week is Monday so it would be TGIM for me and he said that he prefers the week and for him it's TGIS, for Sunday. So we discussed what TGIF really meant to most people, but I don't think we have any idea.

I looked it up and found out that some people think the weekend begins Friday night and some believe it begins Saturday morning. (And for some people Friday night may be Saturday morning) I guess it doesn't matter, but you never know sometimes if something you know is really accurate. Have a great weekend, whenever your weekend is!

The Friday's restaurant is pictured below and under Friday's it says, "In here, every day is Friday." I think that's a whole different subject. 

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