Monday, August 14, 2023

My Birthday Cake

When it comes to a birthday cake there are no rules, so I am not breaking any here.  My 63rd birthday is this coming Saturday and I have already eaten my birthday cake.  They say you can't have your cake and eat it too, but I absolutely did.  I looked this proverb up and it said it meant this, "You cannot simultaneously retain possession of a cake and eat it too. Once the cake is eaten, it is gone."

On Saturday, July 22nd, almost a month before my birthday, my wife and I met my sister and her husband at the famous Harold's Deli in Edison, New Jersey.  I have walked into this deli many times over the last 30-40 years and looked at a chocolate cake and said, "One day, one day."

I would like to tell you that I bought the whole cake, but as you can see below I got enough of it.  This piece was maybe 1/8th of the above cake.  It was really, really thick.

We had just had a big meal and I shared a piece with my sister and husband and I really enjoyed eating this.  It tasted as good as it looked, I promise it did. My milk was ready, what could be better than this?

Later than night I ate some more cake and I saved some for breakfast the next morning.  I had to eat it because we were driving home at 5 am.  They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's the picture of me eating the cake in the hotel room.  It's a terrible picture, but the expression on my face is priceless.  If you look carefully you can see I have a very large piece on my fork; I did not put it all in my mouth. The cake was eaten, but it will never be gone from my memory or my stomach!

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