Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Kindest Man In The USA?

This story comes out of San Francisco, California where a man, Bryan Tsiliacos, wanted to do something special for his 30th birthday. He decided he wanted to do 30 acts of kindness to celebrate his 30th year.  "I wanted to express gratitude for the blessings of my life through acts of kindness," he said.

He is a Senior Product Manager full-time and has recently been named by People magazine as one of the five kindest people in America.  His first act of kindness was making Flann desserts for four hundred fireman. He raised $12,000 and gave supplies to 150 middle school teachers, 167 care packages to animal shelters and gave medical scrubs to nurses.

How is he able to make this happen? He said, "When you have a burning desire to do something, doors will open."  He believes that, "The kindness that we show others makes for a more purposeful life.  He is inspiring people around the country, including Maxx, the almost ten-year old pictured below.  He wanted to do ten acts of kindness by his 10th birthday and Bryan helped him make 260 sandwiches to give to a large shelter.

Bryan is working on a contest to inspire more acts of kindness across the country.  It's called, "The Decade of Kindness" and details can be found at decadeofkindness.com. The winner will receive $10,000 and monthly winners can earn $1,000.  Congratulation Bryan on your idea and inspiration.

Researchers have found that every act of kindness or good deed can affect three or more people removed from you. Why not do something kind today?

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