Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Baby Is Born

I am sure that every minute of every day there is a baby born somewhere.  However, when the baby is in your family, it is pretty special.  On Saturday, my wife and I became grandparents for the first time.  Our son and daughter-in-law gave us a 6 pound, 11 ounce, baby girl, Riley. 

When we first heard that her name was going to be Riley, we joked that when we would call her we would go, "Oh Riley," which sounded very Irish.  Hearing a few "Oh Riley's" made me think of the old  song by Ritchie Valens, "Oh Donna".  I knew I had to write a song/parody for our grandchild.

"Oh Donna" was one of three hit songs Valens had.  He died tragically at the age of 18, in a plane crash during a snowstorm with two other star singers, Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper in 1959.  Two weeks after his death, "Oh Donna" hit number two on the charts.  In 1972, Don McLean wrote the song, "American Pie" which was about that tragic day, "the day the music died."

I wrote the ballad pretty quickly and printed it.  My wife framed the song and decorated it beautifully. She said she wanted to sing it with me and five hours after Riley was born, we gave her and her parents their first gift.  

Below is the picture of me holding Riley and her song which will be hanging in her room.  It was a magical day, one we will all never forget.  

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