Sunday, August 11, 2024

Fifteen Memorable Vacation Quotes

For years I have copied down and printed memorable quotes from people in my car so I decided to record some of the interesting and funny comments during my five week vacation in Colorado.  Here are the first fifteen with my explanation of it.

1."I can write a better blog as you than you can."

My youngest daughter who is a very good writer said this.  I was going to write a blog as her writing a blog about me, but I started to get confused trying to write it.  Maybe she'll do a guest blog sometime?

2."Best mother-in-law ever!"

While we were staying with my youngest daughter and her fiance,  my daughter was away for a few days and my wife was cleaning and then did our future son-in-laws laundry when he said these words.

3. "I can train you for chicken."

Our future son-in-law said this to me that he could train me how to deal better with dogs and I said I would do it for chicken.  We haven't started training yet.

4. "Do It For The Blog!"

My youngest daughter was encouraging me to feed her sixty pound dog and below is the picture of me doing it once and smiling for the blog.  I still have all five fingers.

5.  "Someone might steal you."

I had said I could drive from Myrtle Beach to Colorado by myself in two days and my wife said she didn't want me to do it and my daughter blurted out the above comment. Can you steal a person?

6. "I got nothing."

I was trying to communicate with the hungry dogs that I had no food and started using this line which none of the dogs probably understood.  It came from the George character in "Seinfeld."

7. "He's going to try to eat the lawnmower to protect you."

I had to ask my future son-in-law to repeat that comment. I was mowing the lawn for him and his dog was definitely not happy about it.  Fortunately, the problem was with the lawnmower and not me.

8. "I'll send you two rotisserie chickens a week after you finish a personal training session." (This was revised as, ""I'll send you two rotisserie chickens a week after you finish two personal training sessions in a week.")

My daughter-in-law said this because she wants me to improve my balance.  Supposedly, I will be less likely to fall after I get pushed by a big dog.  She wants me to stand longer on one foot, is this like karate training? 

9.  "I did a cartwheel the other day and my hips opened up."

This was said by my nine month, pregnant daughter-in-law a couple days before giving birth and I absolutely believe she did this. She is very athletic.  I cannot do this and have never done it.

10. "I have 1,200 pillows and I got them one at a time."

Pregnancy may have brought out the humorous side of my daughter-in-law.  She probably exaggerated a bit here.

11. "How big was that fly? It looked like it ate a person."

It sounds like her again; she is very entertaining to be around.

12. "We're going to have eight kids and eight dogs and when we take pictures the children will be on each dog."

My future son-in-law I believe said this. I can see the Christmas card now. I will not be in that picture.

13. "She already gave me the finger for the first time."  "It won't be the last time."

The new mom was talking about her baby in her first week of life and I had a quick reply for her.

14. "I saw him holding the baby like he's been doing it for a million years."

My son picked up on it very quickly and his wife, the new mom, was very proud.  I saw him hold the baby in one arm and their small dog in the other.  He has not attempted any juggling fortunately.

15. "You have never eaten an Aunt Chalada?"

My son asked me this question and I told him I have eaten an enchilada.  His pronunciation was off just a bit, but we got a very good laugh.  This one will be repeated many times. You may not be able to say enchilada correctly again.

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