Thursday, August 22, 2024

What I Learned on My Vacation

As usual, going on vacation is more of an education than an entertaining experience. I never know what I'm going to learn and I have no idea if you know about this or we are both completely ignorant on the subject.  Here are some of the things I learned:

1.  THE FLOOR IS LAVA GAME: I've been told that everyone knows this game, but I did not. You have to avoid touching the floor by climbing on furniture and other things.  One touch on the floor and you will die.  I'm pretty sure that in some cases my parents would say the same thing about climbing on the furniture.  Can adults play?

2. OPE: In the midwest this word is used as an apology or as sorry.  Well, it is short.

3. WASHABI: This is small spice that is used for sushi.  It sound like a cool word to use, but it's very understandable why I had never heard it.

4: GLAMPING: This is basically camping with amenities.  I was camping once with my daughter and the girl scouts and having amenities sounds like a good idea.

5. STRESSED: The next time you're stressed, remember that backwards it is desserts.  This sign was posted in a barbecue place, but I have no clue why it was there.

6. DOULA: A doula is a non-professional who assists with health related issues. It is similar to a mid-wife, but it is not just for childbirth.  I've heard of a mid-wife, but not a doula.

7. MAPLE-FLAVORED RAISIN BRAN: As you can see in the picture below this is a real thing, but I have no idea why.  I ate the box of cereal, but when I would start to pour it out, all I thought about was pancakes. They tasted okay, but it didn't really work for me, but someone is buying them and eating them. (maybe with pancakes?)

8.  DRYER MACHINE BALLS AND SHEETS: I thought it was a joke when I found a few balls in the dryer.  They keep the clothes separated so they dry. Dryer sheets are thrown in to keep the clothes softer.  When I closed the washing machine door I was told you should keep it open because it prevents rust. You let the air in which prevents rust? This all sounds very confusing to me.

9. TAPING THE BOTTLE OF SHAMPOO: Maybe my bottle just wasn't closed enough? It was a mess and I lost 75% of the shampoo, but next next time I'll wrap it up like a mummy when I travel.

10. GOOGLE MAP DIRECTIONS: I use it all the time, but never knew how to figure out how far two destinations were from each other when you're not at either one. I can't believe it's that easy and my youngest daughter taught it to me.  I know, you know how to do this-that makes two of us now.

11. EUCHRE-THE CARD GAME: My future son-in-law told me this. It's a trick taking card game played in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and the middle of the USA. It sounds easy! You can use a deck of 24, 25, 28, or 32 standard playing cards. The goal is to win three tricks.

12.  THE DISHWASHER: Over the years I have put things in and taken things out of the dishwasher.  I have never run the dishwasher.  This is why I didn't know that it normally takes a couple hours for it to run.  How much faster would it be to just wash everything by hand? (Just a rhetorical question.)

12. CHICKEN FLAVORED GUM? How is it I never heard of this? My wife told me while we were walking with a herd of dogs that there is chicken flavored gum. for dogs. However, pictured below is Bubblegum Fried Chicken for humans! Are you kidding me? They look like drumsticks!

13. Duvet: It is made from cloth and can be like a large bag like a comforter.  Does that even sound right? I read a comparison of a duvet and a comforter and they are really close.  I'm going to still say comforter, how about you?

14. Vole: I saw a squirrel sitting in the middle of the road.  My wife said it was a Vole, which meant nothing to me.  Then, she decided it was a prairie dog, which I have heard of.  It still looks like a squirrel, but the picture below is of a prairie dog.


15. I learned about poo-pourri, which is not only sprays for your toilet that you use before you go, but also the name of the company.  I had never heard of it.  I thought someone was talking about a potpourri bowl as displayed below.  I couldn't understand why you would be throwing these things into a toilet bowl before you go.  I cannot tell you how hard some of us were laughing about this.  It was the best laugh of the vacation and we had some good ones.


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