Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Not About Constipation

A relative of mine(who looks like me), suggested that my blog posts were boring.  Surely, that person was just kidding, but I do understand that some of them are not that interesting to some people.  That's why I wanted this one to be "not" about constipation.

Many years ago there was a commercial where I believe a man said, "I want to talk to you about constipation."  You can imagine how interesting that commercial was.  I could tell you about what it's like working on the road with constipation, but I'm not going to.  I could tell you about walking into a supermarket to buy prunes and finding out that they work even when you just bring them into a bathroom, but I'm not going to.

Instead, I'll talk to you about-communication, not constipation.  Today, there's supposedly a lot of communication.  People communicate on the phone, by e-mail, texting, Facebook, blogging, Instagram, and probably a number of other ways I don't really know about.  And, let's not forget, people still do talk to each other in person.

Still, it doesn't seem to be adequate.  Some people "communicate" too much and some too little and some just poorly.  What is the best way? There really is none.  It's left up to the individual and what they like and what they want to do. I guess that's the way it should be, but sometimes, don't you just wish things were communicated better?

I don't know, was communication really a more interesting topic than constipation?

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