Thursday, September 26, 2019

Southerners Are "Sickenly" Nice

I've now given over 2,200 Uber/Lyft rides and one of my favorite comments by a passenger in my car came last month.  I was talking with a guy who had just moved from New Jersey seven weeks earlier and told him that the people here were falling over themselves to help you.  He said they were "sickenly nice."  I wish I could tell him this story.

I have a list of 3-4 stories that I regularly tell to people about how nice people are here and this story will certainly be added to this group.  Recently, a poll was done of the friendliest states and South Carolina finished third and I am not surprised.

This story starts out with "sick" and ends with "ridiculously nice."  My wife unfortunately got very sick the other night and I woke up to her throwing up blood and more. (She's okay now and is being treated for ulcers) I took her to the emergency room and she stayed overnight while they gave her a few tests.

My wife asked me to take some of the dirty towels that I used that night out on the lawn and use the hose to wash them off.  It was not a pleasant job to say the least.  However, I had several wet towels(still dirty) on the lawn and I figured I'd let the sun dry them off some while I visited my wife at the hospital.  It wasn't an awful sight for anyone walking or driving by because they were away from street.

A few hours later I returned to pick the towels up and bring them inside.  As I pulled into my driveway I had my mouth open and the only word that could explain the look on my face was-stunned.  The towels were neater than I left them and NOW THEY WERE ON THE GRASS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY!

Who would take someone else's wet and dirty towels and move them? I guess they did it because the sun wasn't on that side anymore, but why would you?  I didn't want to touch the towels, but I had to.  I could not believe that someone would really do that, I know I would not under any circumstances move anyone's property unless it was damaged or a hurricane was coming.

We have our suspects, but we do not know who moved the towels and I'm embarrassed to ask, because I know what they were.  It was a nice gesture, but way beyond being nice, it really was "sickenly nice."

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