Monday, February 17, 2020

If You Leave Your Belt At Home, Will Your Shorts Fall Down?

This is one of those questions that a lot of people are talking about.  Of course, this didn't happen to me, so I wouldn't have a good answer for it.  It's not like I could have done this twice in the same week-it's really not possible. Or, here's a better question, "do men wear belts to hold their pants up or is it a fashion statement that makes everything else look good?

If you don't have a belt and your shorts or pants are tight on you, you're probably safe.  You're just fitting into them, so where are they going to go?  But, what if they are big on you, how do you keep them up? How many times do you pick them up and how high do you put them?  It would probably help if you wore a jacket so people could not see you didn't have a belt.  Maybe, if you live in the south where it's warmer it wouldn't be noticeable, since people dress casually and your shorts might look like a bathing suit.

Wearing a belt is probably more of a fashion statement, although there are a lot belts that are just plain black.  Maybe, black goes with everything and makes everything look better?  I'm probably not the best person to ask since I'm wearing sweat pants right now, but these are some amusing questions that you'll never think about again.

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