Saturday, April 18, 2020

I Can Run Faster With These New Sneakers!

Over twenty years ago we took our son to get new sneakers.  He was maybe 7 or so.  When the sneakers went on his feet he started running in the store and said, "I can run faster in these!" After twenty years I have to admit, my son was right. (about this)

I got my first pair of running shoes this week.  Although they look pretty nice, they are not fancy.  I put them on this morning.  My back was a little sore from sleeping too much. (over 7 hours) The sun wasn't out, but there was a nice breeze.  I walked a little after not stretching properly and then I started to run at a slow pace.  With the wind whistling through the trees I was sure I heard a voice yell, "Run Forest Run!" (Dad: reference to the movie Forrest Gump) Then, I thought I heard the Rocky theme.  I was running faster than I've ever run!

Yes, it's an exaggeration, but I did run a longer distance than I ever have and I think it was the running shoes.  My son and my youngest daughter said they can't wait to run with me and I told them I'd be good for the first 200 feet.  I'm waiting for my oldest daughter to challenge me, since we probably run about the same speed. (when I'm not wearing my new running shoes)

Earlier in the year I decided to walk the four mile Ravenel bridge in Charleston.  I would have in March, but the virus postponed that.  I was going to walk halfway and then back to my car.  Now, I have a bigger goal: in the fall I'm going run half way and run or walk half way back.  I may have to get another "new" pair of running shoes for the fall.

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