Sunday, May 24, 2020

Yellow Watermelon?

I've decided that there are way too many things I do not know about.  There are too many of these things that are completely foreign to me.  How is it that my wife knows about them? Did they cover these things in school? I hardly missed any school, still, I can't believe some of these things exist.

I came home from work recently and my wife was cutting up the watermelon, the yellow watermelon. It looked like pineapple, but it did taste like watermelon.  It wasn't the exact taste, but if you were blindfolded, you would have have guessed-watermelon.

It tastes a little sweeter and has kind of a honey or apricot taste.  It also has high levels of Vitamin A and C and of course not many calories.  It took some getting used to eating it, but it was good, especially when it was cold.

What if other red foods were yellow? Would we put yellow catsup on french fries? What would a yellow tomato taste like? Would you eat a medium rare steak if it was yellow inside? Would it bother you if you cut yourself and your blood was yellow?

Enjoy the holiday weekend and hope you have some red watermelon, it's better than yellow.

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