Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Weekend in Washington (Part 2)

 You don't have to comment too much when you have a great picture, but sometimes a picture does not say much of anything. Continuing my last blog about my adventures this past weekend in Washington D.C. visiting my brother:

A BOTTLE OF WATER: Below is a rare and unmemorable picture of me with a bottle of water that I bought near the Lincoln Memorial.  I've always had a problem with buying water and I bought this bottle of water since I was buying one for my brother.  I can remember buying water twice in my life for me to drink, but let's say I've done this less than five times in my life.  The water was just okay. I probably will never do this again. The open mouth I am showing is something my youngest daughter would do. (she is laughing right now)

A PIZZA FIRST!: Maybe this is the new me?  I have pizza only once or twice a year due to my kids eating all kinds of pizza as they grew up and they ruined it for me. (yes, I'm blaming them) My brother took me to a more upscale pizza place and I resisted ordering plain or pepperoni and ordered a pizza with sausage and bacon.  It was not the healthiest of choices, but it was good and it was something I've never done before and may never do again.  We ate outside and it was an experience. Yes, I ate it all.

A BASEBALL FIRST: My brother and I took a tour of The Washington Nationals baseball stadium.  The highlight had to be going into the bullpen and getting to throw a few pitches.  The picture below is just before I threw the first pitch.  Fortunately only the video of me tossing it was taken, the pitch did not end well.  I should have had my brother with a glove on the other end and maybe I would have come close to reaching him.  I threw a couple pitches and none of them were good.  I needed more time warming up I think.

PRESIDENTIAL WORDS: The inside of the stadium was filled with history. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of US Presidents throwing out the first pitch on opening day and there was a wall with some interesting quotes from Presidents.  I rushed the picture, but the two from Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon are worth reading.

WASHINGTON BENCHES: This could have been art on the streets of the city, but I think they were really benches-you decide:

THE PET AREA: On the way home I saw something unusual.  Before I had a dog I never really noticed signs for dogs.  At a rest stop I saw the below sign-PET EXERCISE AREA  AHEAD.  I had to check it out to see if their really was exercise equipment. (The large fingers in the left hand corner are not from some "Giant" about to pick the sign up, they are mine) I could not find any exercise equipment, but there were a couple of nice picnic tables for pets to have lunch. I really would like to talk to the person who made that sign.  I'm guessing that they have a pet.

It was a lot of fun visiting my brother for a few days and of course many times I said, "I feel a blog post coming," and now you have them.

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