Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Weekend in Washington (Part1)

I began the seven hour trip north to Washington D.C. to visit my brother early Friday morning and returned home to Myrtle Beach late Monday afternoon.  Over four days there were some interesting and unusual things to blog about and so I begin....

SPENDING CASH: I've blogged recently that I have a difficult time spending cash and it sometimes borders on the ridiculous.  I brought about $100 and although I spent almost all of it, it was not easy. On the way Friday I stopped at a 7-11 for gas and could not resist getting a soda.  I've been avoiding soda except on vacations, so getting a soda was a big deal.  I took out my two dollars and the cashier told me that they had no change so the drink was on her.  Since I had no change, I offered a dollar bill which would have paid for a good part of it, but she declined my offer. I walked out of the store with the drink and my cash rejected again.

THE APPLE STORE: Walking to dinner, my brother showed me the Apple store below which they had refurbished with a lot of money.  Going into an Apple store is a pretty common thing for people to do, but not for me.  However, this was Washington. D.C., and they do things a little different here as you can see by the picture below. It really is an Apple store!

WHERE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE? On a Friday and Saturday night the residential area my brother lives in, did not look anything like a Friday or Saturday night in a busy place.  I'm used to seeing a lot of people and cars in Myrtle Beach or Charleston, but in Washington, D.C., not so much and it's probably due to the virus.

THE JEFFERSON MEMORIAL: One of the less traveled memorials, it is a magnificent structure with Jefferson standing in the middle inside.  This picture however, is me, a random woman, and just the legs of Jefferson.  This is the kind of picture you never see, you have to see the rest in person.

ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: She does not get enough credit, but at the Roosevelt Memorial she does:

MARTIN LUTHER KING'S statue is tremendous in size and this picture shows the Washington Monument peaking out of the trees. On the stone it says, "out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope."

ABRAHAM LINCOLN: My favorite memorial by far.  From the back of it looking across the water to the Capital.  And, above Lincoln, a bunch of windows(?) that no one ever takes a picture of this scene.

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