Thursday, April 28, 2022

The New Scrabble-"Words With Friends"

Growing up I believe my Mom introduced her three kids to the game of Scrabble and we were hooked on it. We all enjoyed playing it and I've passed it on to my kids and who knows how many decades the love of Scrabble will continue. When my wife and I were newly married we sat down in our apartment in 1983, to play Scrabble for the first time.  To start the game, I put down all seven letters for a lot of points and my wife had played enough and has not played me since. Ironically, my youngest daughter's boyfriend, (also Jeff), had a similar experience that my wife had when he played my daughter the very first time-she put down all her tiles.

A few years ago, my wife was playing "Words With Friends" on her phone and I started playing too.  It's not as much fun as Scrabble and it's a little different, but it is still fun.  I've been playing my sister i and my brother who both live up north.  The below game is what I am playing with my brother now.  Some things you should know:

My brother has won 149 games against me and I have won only 55, not counting the one I'm about to win. 400 points in a game is a pretty good score and I have an average of 396 a game and my brother has averaged 442 points. This is one reason why he has won 94 more games than I have. Recently, I have played much better and have won 6 of the last 9 games and two of the games I lost were with scores of 475 and 484.  Take a look at the board and let's look at some of those words.

The letters on the bottom are mine and I had to wait until he went to post this.  He got 30 plus points near the left bottom (TR-triple word score) and I am putting "relied" up top with the last two letters being under the F and I.  I'm ahead by 150 which should be enough to pull this out.  I just put down "absented" for 137 points, which is one of the most points I've ever gotten. (Just by coincidence it was on the board when I took the picture) What are those words on the board? I have no clue on many of them:

Raj: Was he in Alladin?

Hosen: Is that when you've been hosed or chosen?

Dozers: I have to feel this is missing "bull".

Adagio's: Has to be an Italian restaurant, right?

Caleans: A sauce served at the restaurant?

Misraise: Very close to being miserable, as my brother is reading this and finishing this game.

The purple words are my brothers and it's not a coincidence that 5 of the 6 words listed below are his.  His vocabulary is larger than mine.  You can make words that you don't know, it will tell you when a word is not a word, unlike real scrabble.

My brother and I have had some great games and I've said to him before that we should have an audience and guess what? You picked a great game to watch us.

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