Monday, May 2, 2022

Most Memorable April Rider Comments

 Picking up the family of three from the beach I said, "I need to make sure none of your suits are wet." Woman: "They're not, do you want to check?"

Woman sitting next to her husband, "We've been married 25 years and every minute has been wonderful. We've very lucky. " Husband: "It's difficult for anyone to say, "every minute."

Me: "What do you do for work?" He told me what he did and said, "she's a Super Secret Squirrel. She's in logistics, but works for our government with top clearance to find and rescue things under water."

(On the phone) Me: "Where are you? Him: "We are across the street from a large Jewish-like candle thing. Me: "I got it, I'm Jewish and it's a menorah." His name was...Christian.

Explaining how he finally accepted that he was unique and not like most people, he said, "A good bowl of pasta has a lot of pasta that looks the same, but you have to have spice in that bowl." Me: "So you're the spice in a bowl of pasta?" Him: "Yes."

If you want to put someone down he said this was a mid-west saying, "May an elephant caress you with its toes."

Me: "How long have you been a marine biologist?" She: "Forever." Me: "Since birth?" Her: "Yes, I came out swimming."

She: "I was with my special needs son in a mall and a woman walked up to me and asked, "has he suffered seizures?" I said, "Yes", and she replied, "he's going to be alright, it will pass and then she walked away."

I asked the 20-year-old woman, "What kind of work do you do?" Her: "I'm a part-time traveler. Each month I take a 3-5 day vacation to a place I haven't been.  I want to be chef who travels the world. I'm in Culinary School now and I'm a waitress at Waffle House."

Him: "I'm training four astronauts in the Majove dessert in a couple weeks on how to get in and out of a 450 ft. crater to take samples."

Woman: "When I was young I wanted to be a mad scientist and next month I'm graduating as a scientist. When I was in Junior High School I was reading medical journals."

Her: "We have three kids, 22, 23 and 24." Me: "You certainly didn't fool around." Her: "We did, that's the problem." Husband, "It's not funny, it was expensive."

She's a very successful marketing executive: "I grew up in a cult and I was the first one to escape when I was 18. The hotel chain that hired me moved me to Hawaii far away from the cult.  Later, I was able to convince my parents to leave the cult."

When he made pizzas in the Virgin Islands, he would be asked why his pizza tasted so much better and he would say, "happy dudes make happy foods."

I spoke with a defense attorney about a topic I have never discussed in the car-the OJ trial in 1994. He said, "The defense created enough doubt to win the case, but he was guilty."

Marine biologist: "My parents let me watch scary movies when I was 4 like "The Shining" and "Jaws." I've always rooted for the shark." Me: "Why?" Her: "Because people were in its territory."

Telling another woman that the marine biologist was rooting for the shark in Jaws, she said, "I've always rooted for the shark?" (Is this common?)

Me: "What do you do for work?" She: "I put out fires with thimbles of water."

Jeffrey told me this, "When I was in college they thought it was funny to call everyone named Jeffrey, Jeffrey Dahmer."(the mass murderer)

Two young women: "We just climbed out of the first floor window, are boyfriends are on house arrest."

She said about coffee, "People enjoy the irony that coffee makes you go."

Him: "I use the name Spiderman. When I was in high school I weighed 90 pounds playing football.  My coach called me "Spider" because I was always knocking passes down."

Trying to say something clever that matched my orange car and sunshine signs, she said, "Aren't(orange) you glad you picked us up?"

Woman: "I'm a chaotic person, I attract chaos." Boyfriend: "I always bring calm and peace to a situation."

Woman: "I wrote a journal every day of my 48th year and I'd like to write a book about it. I survived a Typhoon near Guam with my cat in my bathroom for most of the night when winds were at 200 mph."

Young woman: "I've decided that I don't ever want kids, because I'm not a nurturing person.  I'm going to sell my eggs, so someone else can have kids."

Him: "I was a fitness trainer and body guard for a Kurdish Prince when I met a guy at a bar who said he would train me to sell corporate jets. I quit my regular job and have done very well selling jets."

She was from Kansas City. Looking at the picture of the Kansas City Super Bowl ring hanging in my car I told her how I put in on my finger. She excitedly said, "Shut Up!"

Groom: "My wife right now for our honeymoon are just going to an island for a couple days, she calls it a "mini-moon."

The difference between Minnesota and South Carolina is-it takes 12 minutes to get a cup of coffee here."

She: "I'm giving a presentation today in my college class on "people who like Jewish people for the wrong reasons."

Me: "What kind of work do you do?" Her: "I'm a traveling Dentist, I substitute in three different states when they need someone to fill in."

He explained, "The most important thing that young people should spend money on is experiences."

"My family believes that everyone has a purpose and the world has a plan for you."

The Chief Operating Officer for the United Negro Fund told me that they give out around one hundred million dollars in scholarships. "The last two years we have seen a significant increase in donations."

Male: "I was hypnotized on the telephone by someone who is helping me overcome my faults and it's helping me."

Woman: "If someone tried to pay me for doing a good deed I would say, "Don't block my blessing."

He said, "I know some people can function on five hours of sleep, but I am not one of those people."

Female tourist: "I didn't like anything about Charleston, I would never go back there or spend a dime-it's a racist city. My experience in Myrtle Beach was totally different, I would come back here."

As she got out of the car, the younger sister who had not said much during my great conversation with her sister, she made me laugh out loud when she said, "I'm a better human being after taking this ride."

12-year-old girl who grew up in Hawaii: "My friends and I were convinced that snow was made up by mainlanders to make us look bad in Hawaii. When I was 9, I was in New York and it started snowing and I ran out of the house yelling, "It's real, it's real." I sent messages to my friends in Hawaii, they thought I was lying."

She worked in a chocolate store and was excited that her roommate was moving out today and she would have privacy. Me: "Are you going to celebrate with your favorite chocolate?" Her: "I can't do that, I'm a fat person....but, of course I will." Returning her work ID lanyard an hour later, she laughingly told me, "it's your fault," and gave me a $10 tip."

Young woman: I moved to Denver two months ago and I was on business in Pensicola, Florida.  My flight was canceled to Orlando and I rented a car. I got the last one and there was a family going to Orlando so I drove them there. Their two daughters in their twenties were planning on moving to Denver." (Her sister lives in Denver. My daughter does too and she was stranded recently flying out of Orlando)

She: "Uber drivers are special because you have the opportunity to reach and touch people as they are going through life."

He: "I was visiting DC and I got an Uber and the driver recognized me.  We were friends almost thirty years ago in high school. We caught up and I've gotten together with him a couple times when I've been backed there."

"My last Uber driver was griping about picking up college kids.  He said, "they don't tip", I'm going home."

Her text message when I accepted her ride: "Please don't cancel." My response: "Relax, I don't cancel. I got you." She had two cancellations going to work and risked losing a bonus being late.

Young woman on wearing a mask: "I'll put it over my face.  I've never worn one. I don't believe in them, I think they are degrading."

The groom who got married last night said as he got out, "Someone left a $20 bill back here, it was me." Me: "Thank you, you know when you get married, you're supposed to get gifts not give them?" Him: "I got a lot of cash last night."

"When we finish expensive pools in Long Island, we send a group of 12 people out and pay them $1,500 for the day. They leave Northern NJ around 3 am and don't return until later in the evening."

He: "On the flight here to Myrtle Beach, I saw former NJ Governor Chris Christie and he took a picture with my daughter and I."

Young woman: "Last night I celebrated my birthday, but I was arrested and accused of being drunk."

Me to  two women: "Do you know the song "Taxi" by Harry Chapin?" Her: "No, but we might recognize it if we heard a few bars." 

The local realtor told me that the advantage that she has over some others is, "I grew up here and know the area better."

Getting out of the car the man almost shut the door on his wife.  She said, "He's trying to get me to stay with you."

Him: "I find it relaxing driving in LA. When I'm in traffic, it's "me time." I get a lot of things done in my car."

"I tried to rent a car before I got to Charleston, but they wanted $1,500 for five days."

As he got in he read my sign that says, "South Carolina law requires you wear a belt and a smile.  He said, "I like that. You see what you project."

Working at home ten hours a day on his computer he said, "I enjoy more of life now, I'm never going to work in an office again."

The Oncologist said, "Our cancer patients are more susceptible to COVID, but they've done very well with getting all the shots."

Oncologist: "Only 20% of patients respond well to treatment, but most of our treatments have changed through research in the past seven years."

The male designer from Los Angeles said, "Here's my card. When your book comes out let me know. I want to buy it."

ICU nurse for two years: "The hospital I worked in was was not kind to nurses."

She said, "If you're not aging, you're dead."

"My husband won't leave Montana, so I brought my Mom with me on vacation."

In Minnesota, we're not friendly waving at each other, we help change people's tires in a storm."

I asked the retired special agent for our government, "What agency did you work for?" Him: "It doesn't matter."

When I told the woman who works in a coffee shop that I just had the first cup of coffee in my life, she recommended this, "go to a coffee shoppe like mine with $20 and try a bunch of different coffees."

Getting out of the car, he said, "Sorry, we don't have a Super Bowl ring to show you."

"I keep telling my Dad who's 67 that he should retire, but he's told me that if he retires, he'll die."

"The widow of the guy who created the restaurant "Hooters", lives in Myrtle Beach."

Former Denver resident, "I hope your kids enjoy Denver as much as I did."

Political fundraiser: "Sometimes I think it would have been a better choice doing fundraising for a college or charity."

ICU nurse for two years: "The hospital I worked in was was not kind to nurses."

She said, "If you're not aging, you're dead."

Groom: "My wife right now for our honeymoon are just going to an island for a couple days, she calls it a "mini-moon."

"Spirit is now connecting Manchester, New Hampshire with Myrtle Beach.  We paid only $147 for a round trip ticket."

Him: "My brother and I both married Amy's, but mine is spelled Aimee."

Yankee fan to Red Sox fans, "We have the championships and you have Fenway."

Baseball fan: "My favorite player was Pete Rose because of his passion, he'll beat you any way."

The guy who invented the light on cell phones, rents two floors of the Marriott every year."

The woman said, "We saw the Beatles last night, I mean a cover band of the Beatles."

"My Dad bought a $100,000 Audi and a $500 Bronco ran into him at a light causing $30,000 damage."

Giving her a ride early morning, she said, "You're a lifesaver."

Getting out of the car she said, "Sorry we didn't have a Super Bowl ring to show you."

Getting out of the car she said, "Have the best day ever."

When I told the woman from Brooklyn that I was from New Jersey, she yelled, "cousins!" so loud it startled me.

She: "Your ministry of encouragement is important, because people need to be encouraged every day."

Woman: "That's the best Uber ride I've ever had."

He said, "That's one of the best Uber rides I've ever had."

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