Saturday, April 15, 2023

Can You Teach a New Dog New Tricks?

Of course you can, but I'm not sure we know how to do it.  Our dog, Odin, is just over two years old and we got him a couple new things this week.  The first thing was two steps so he can jump up onto our bed at night.  The bed is up higher than normal and it will be a lot easier for us when he can just run up the steps.  He can can also use it to walk onto the couch, which he still isn't jumping onto.  Below is the picture of the steps in our living room.

As you can see, Mr. Snoopy has climbed up on top and it looks like he is going to jump off and do some flying before he hits the ground.  Odin, so far, has not gone near the steps and has no clue what it is for.  However, this is just a little thing compared to what's below:

Some of you may recognize "Mr. Bill" from "Saturday Night Live" fame. Mr. Bill was a clay figure that was sent in as a home movie for the show in 1974.  He was featured in a number of dangerous or painful situations and the squeaky voice we heard at home was, "Oh No, Mr. Bill." (At least that's what I remember)

This is the 2023 version as he stands on the inside of our new doggie door. Odin is just as surprised as Mr. Bill is.  Odin has gone in and out of the door, but he hasn't picked up on that he should be opening the door and not us. I'd take a picture of me opening the door for him, but it's not a pretty site bending that far over so he can walk through.

One day, Odin will be able to go in and out of the porch all by himself and we can't wait to see him do this new trick. Maybe that day day will be today? 

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