Monday, June 24, 2024

Is It Too Old To Eat?

We have all done it. We have the refrigerator door open and we're looking inside and we pull out something that has been there awhile. Usually, if the food is blue, it's not a good idea to eat it. However, if just the edges are blue on cheese, it's okay.  You just cut the edges off and the rest is perfectly fine, not that I have done that more than four times.

Milk you can usually smell when it's too old, but what if you discover something 250 years old? It probably wasn't in your refrigerator, but what if it was buried on your property? Or, what if it was George Washington's property? (Eventually, I was going to get to the real story)

Earlier this year, archeologists found two jars of cherries, buried in the basement of George Washington's home in Mount Vernon. In modern times, authorities have discovered politicians hiding money or gold bars in their basement, but food?

These bottles were first discovered in November 2023.  In the last sixty years cherries have only been found two other times in Virginia, in Monticello and Williamsburg. In the two jars was a mysterious liquid they are still testing.  It is estimated that the bottles were from 1758 to 1776, when George and Martha Washington actually lived there. 

What do they look like inside the bottles? Archeologist Jason Burroughs said they still look like cherries and, "They're plump, they have flesh, they have pits and stems."  They even smelled like cherry blossoms!"   But can you eat them? He said that you probably could, "But no one wants to try."

He didn't say they were blue and they were going to be eaten by the Father of our country. How bad could they be 250 years later?

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