Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Positive Bus Driver

Each day I go out to Uber I have passengers who are amazed at what they see in my car.  Yes, there is money from 54 countries, a mannequin from a salon owner, and a picture of a Super Bowl ring that a woman who works for the Kansas City Chiefs let me put on my finger.  

It all started with a few New York sports caps and then one positive message.  At the beginning of the pandemic, spring of 2020, I saw a sign on John Krasinski's television show, "Some Good News." He's known for being on the television show, "The Office," but I got this from one of the eight positive shows he did of "Some Good News." The sign said, "If You Can't Find The Sunshine, Be The Sunshine."  

The sign was perfect for a positive show during the pandemic, but it was perfect for my car also. Being "The Sunshine Man," I printed those words on orange paper and hung it up. I was surprised how many people mentioned it and took pictures of the sign.  When I got a bill from the South Sudan, I hung it up because of the feedback I got from my sign.

During the past year, a school bus driver in Florida has turned his vehicle into something positive for the kids he drives. Anthony Burgess, asked his students to write down their favorite quotes and inspiring messages.  He said, "I wanted the bus to be a more positive place for the children and for myself."

Some of the comments posted are, "Your mindset can change everything, " "Prove them wrong," and from Walt Disney, "If you can dream it, you can do it." The students have also turned in comments from their bus driver as words that have inspired them.

One student wrote, "The world is brighter because you're in it-Mr. Anthony." I'm not the only driver who spreads sunshine in their vehicle and my sign is still in my car and passengers still comment on it.

How do you spread your sunshine?

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