Sunday, June 9, 2024

When Your Printer Goes on The Blink

As most of you know technology is not my thing.  When something goes wrong I am quickly looking for any kind of tech support. I turned on my printer and printed one page.  It came out perfectly and as I sat down in front of my computer, I reached behind the printer and pressed it  to shut it off and I sat down.

I didn't look to see if it shut off. There's usually a slight delay and it goes off.  A couple minutes later I looked at my printer while I was sitting there and it looked like something was blinking.  I stood up and all the lights were blinking as it would on a pinball machine.

I've seen it happen on a pinball machine, but a printer?  My wife wasn't available so I figured I could handle this myself. This is what I did:

1. I attempted to shut the printer off, once, twice and more than three times.  Still, the printer was blinking as if I had won a free game.

2. I opened the paper holder, moved the paper, shut the door, and still my printer was blinking rapidly.  I tried to shut the printer off again with no luck.

3. Being the technical genius I am, I grabbed my phone and took a picture so you could see the printer blinking.  This is the picture, but you'll have to use your imagination on the blinking.

4. There are two chords connected to the printer, so I unplugged one and still there was no change.  

5. I attempted to pull out the second one and concluded it was meant to be there. Still, I was watching my pinball printer in front of me. 

6. I decided to pull the plug which was on the floor.  All the wires are black and I was wishing for the red one like they have on a bomb so I could pull that one. After several visits to the floor and standing up, I pulled the correct plug and there finally was no more lights flashing.

7. I put the chord back in and shut the computer off, should I turn it on again?

8. I waited thirty minutes so it could rest and I turned it on. 

9. There was no blinking and I turned the printer off without a problem.

What are the chances of it working the next time I try to print? I'm going to wait a few days.

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