Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What If Leaf Blowers Were Quiet?

The other day I was taking a walk in my neighborhood.  It was 7:30 am. and someone in the neighborhood was using a trimmer. I guess he didn't think anyone was sleeping or he didn't care if he woke anyone up? What if the trimmer made a lot less noise? How about a leaf blower?

Four engineering students at John Hopkins University have reduced the sound of a leaf blower by about 40% and almost eliminated the worst sounds.  They are waiting for a patent to go through and Stanley Black & Decker has agreed to sell their model.  It could be in stores in two years.

Explaining how they did it is not my area of expertise, however, they took a leaf blower completely apart and analyzed all the different sounds and eliminated some of them.  The leaf blower now sounds more like the wind.

It's pretty incredible what great minds can do working together.  The undergraduate students, Michael Chacon, Madison Morrison, Andrew Palacio, and Leen Alfaoury, should be congratulated for their achievement.

Do you think they could start working on a drill that the dentist uses? What a difference that would make!

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