Sunday, March 25, 2018

Celebrating Pi Day

There's an old Henny Youngman(he was a comedian for all you millennials) joke that my friend Larry Osman tells that cracks my wife up every time.  I think it goes something like this: a woman hears the garbage truck coming one morning and she runs frantically outside with her garbage and yells to the garbage man, "Am I too late for the garbage?" He yells back at her, "No, jump in."  It's funnier when Larry tells it.

Is it too late to celebrate Pi Day? It's March 25th and I thought it would be a good day to celebrate Pi Day since it's been celebrated for the past thirty years without me knowing about it.  Yes, I admit it, I've never heard about it until this morning.  I know about pies, apple being my favorite and I know that 3:14 is some kind of biblical verse, because I've always seen signs at sporting events.  But, Pi Day? It does not ring a bell, really.

How I found out about this holiday is pretty funny.  One of my two blogger fans in Atlanta,(Arber) commented on "My Favorite Day of the Year" post that he thought I was going to say it was Pi Day since I wrote that on March 14th.  Of course it is now eleven days later and I just read his comment on my blog.  I had to go ask my wife, "is there something called Pi Day?"  Yes, like most people apparently, she knew about Pi Day.

I've always been very good at arithmetic. I can still add and multiply numbers faster than almost anyone. Somehow, I have never heard of the one day that is celebrated in Mathematics.  Or, are there more days I don't know about.  I know March 15th is the Ides of March, do people walk around with fake daggers looking for Julius Caesar or other supposed despots?("Et tu Brutus, then Caesar dies")  I know April 15th is tax day and I know people stand in line at post offices making their almost late contributions. I know many historical dates like 11-22, 12-7, and 9-11, but what important dates am I missing.?

I'm leaving it up to all of my blogger fans, all twelve of you.  What other holidays are there that I don't know about? I'm 57 years old and I'm ready to learn about other Pi Days that are out there.


  1. Oh man, I’m slowly making my claim to fame through recognition in these posts! I’m glad that I exposed you to Pi Day, but it’s now my duty to tell you about Tau Day (happening on 2 * Pi Day: 6/28)! There’s also a debate about whether Tau should replace Pi as standard, but that’s a discussion for another day.

  2. You probably haven't heard of Galentine's Day, Dad, since you and mom have yet to watch Parks and Recreation... some women celebrate it Feb. 13 - a holiday to celebrate their close girl friends. :P
