Saturday, March 24, 2018

Some Laughs

You never know when someone will say something that will make you laugh.  Over the years there have been a few people I worked with who just have a certain way of saying things or they have their own unique language.  I remember in college one girl on the student senate with me was Linda Danielli and I wrote down some of her sayings and called them "Danielliisms".  I think she said something like, "Jeff is like broken glass, he cracks me up." I think it was a compliment.(Or maybe she only said "Jeff is like broken glass." and I added the rest?)

When I worked with THE USA TODAY, Ray Ginman had an unusual way of saying things and I made a list of  "Ginmanism's".  The one quote from him I remember is, "I frequently find it physically discomforting to get up at 4 am."

I now have a new "Linda or Ray" and his name is Harry, so these are the first few "Harryism's".

Harry was sitting on a forklift moving a skid with boxes of paper and a couple boxes fell off.  I was close by and thought I would help him out by putting the fifty pound paper boxes back on his skid so he didn't have to do it. As I bent over to pick one box up, Harry yelled out, "Whoa, whoa, go easy, you're not used to physical exercise."  The boxes do weigh a lot, but trying to pick them up while laughing is a lot more difficult. I've had plenty of physical exercise, more in NJ and PA of course.

To get my vehicle into the warehouse you have to open up the garage door which has a big chain that you have pull on.  It probably takes me a couple minutes to open it, but I'm not in a hurry.  Apparently, I don't open it fast enough and Harry and my supervisor have been entertained watching me open it.  Harry was lecturing me and told me, "it's just like milking a cow."  I think he believed me when I told him that I've never milked a cow.

Each morning I put the addresses into my GPS while Harry is sitting nearby.  The other day he pointed to the GPS and said, "That chick in that box has to stop drinking."  The GPS is probably 98% accurate, but on those rare occasions it messes me up, now I understand what the problem is.

I think I'll keep this job just to hear what Harry will say next.

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