Sunday, August 4, 2019

July Rides(Part 2)-They Said What?

"GEESE DON'T POOP IN THE AIR"  The woman sitting next to me was upset there was a bunch of geese alongside the busy highway and they would probably want to cross the road.  That's when she made me laugh about them only pooping on the ground.  I said to her, "you certainly have some words of wisdom tonight."  She quickly replied, "It happens every day."

"I KNOW WHO INSTALLED THAT ELEVATOR" The wife was troubled that the elevator in the hotel was very slow and her husband taught me more about elevators than I ever wondered about.  It takes 2-4 days to put an elevator together and some customers want a slower elevator.  He was from North Carolina, but he knew who put the elevator together in his hotel in South Carolina.

"THERE'S A BUNCH OF OHIOANS DOWN HERE WHO CAN'T DRIVE"  I was discussing how people drive down here and my passenger blamed it all on the people in Ohio.

"SORRY I'M SO USELESS" I was taking two young women to a coffee shop that I wasn't sure where it was.  When I asked them I found out they had never been there.  I said, "well that's not helpful," and one of them said, "sorry I'm so useless."  I told her she wasn't useless, only in helping me get there.

"THEY ARE SICKENINGLY NICE"  A retired guy from Cherry Hill, NJ, had been in Myrtle Beach only seven weeks and I was telling him how nice people were down here.  He said, "every time I take my puppy out, everyone comes over to see it."  He was in a Wal-Mart behind a woman who kept talking to the cashier and all he was thinking was, "please let me out of here, I just want to get out."

"I'D LIKE TO GET A HALF A MILLION OUT OF HERE" The guy built his own house which is now worth $850,000 and he wants to downsize some.  Ideally he wants to sell it so he has half a million dollars to put down on his "smaller" house.  We have a lot in common.

"I DON'T LIKE MEAT, BUT THE MEAT WAS VERY GOOD"  I had asked two couples on how they liked the restaurant that serves a lot of meat that they bring to your table.  I laughed when the woman gave me that answer and she convinced me that I should go there.  If someone liked the meat, but doesn't like meat, that's good enough for me.

"I PUT ON SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY"  The pilot told me that his doctor told him to put it on since he has such fair skin.  I didn't ask him he gets sunburn in the air, but I was thinking it.

"IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD PASTA AT 7:30 AM YOU'RE MISSING OUT"  The woman works until 7 am in a hotel and then goes home and has dinner and pasta is her favorite morning dish!

"WE USED TO CALL THE TOWN PLASTICVILLE." The woman had lived near Mt. Pleasant(north of Charleston) and commented on the number of woman who had plastic surgery.  I told her I would probably repeat that line, but not with a woman in the car.

THE REALTOR: She had been selling houses near Scottsdale, Arizona and we had talked about how hot it was out there.  The air conditioning in her car was not working well.  I said to her, "what's it like selling houses out there?"  She replied, "it's hot and sweaty."

"THERE ARE 2,000 PEOPLE A MONTH MOVING DOWN TO THIS AREA"  I got the information from a local realtor who said that we have 19 million tourists a year here.

ADVICE FROM A PROPERTY MANAGER:  He told me how serious the shortage was for plumbers, electricians, basically skilled labor.  When it comes to younger people he tells them, "don't worry about what other people do, be the best you can be every day and the rest will take care of itself."

THE DISNEY TRIP:  The husband was renting a car to drive down to Disney World with his wife and two young daughters.  After the vacation, his girls were going to stay with their grandparents.  I asked him what he was going to do and he said, "I'm going to be working to pay for the vacation."

"THAT'S THE FIRST THING WE LEARN IN DRIVER ED!"  I told the two young New Yorkers that people down here almost consider honking the horn cursing at them and one of them made me laugh with their comment.  When I told them that people are always trying to help me with the boxes I'm bringing in, he added, "In New York they would be knocking your boxes over."

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