Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What's The Worst Movie You've Seen In A Movie Theater?

If the question crosses your mind when you're watching a movie in a movie theater, you know you have a problem. This happened to me yesterday afternoon while I was watching "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."  It was about thirty minutes into the two and a half hour movie and I was thinking, what if this doesn't get any better?

My advice very simply would be, do not waste your time seeing this.  With two big stars, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio, and a very famous director, Quentin Tarantino, it was not worth my time.  I found myself enjoying the final ten minutes or so, partly because I knew it had to be ending soon.

I cannot think of a movie that I watched in a theater that I enjoyed as little as this one.  My wife suggested maybe it was "Wholly Moses", which was a comedy with Richard Pryor, that came out in 1980.  I don't remember much of the movie, only that we saw it on the opening weekend and the theater was so packed we sat in the first row looking up at the screen.  That may be the reason we didn't like it, thirty-nine years ago.

I did read that they cut a lot of scenes from "Once Upon A Time in Hollywood", but it's too bad they didn't cut another 45 minutes or so.  It's hard for me to imagine that their are people who enjoyed this movie, but we are all different.  I won't forget what I saw yesterday, because it could very well be the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater.  The good news is, I think all the movies I will watch in a theater the rest of my life will be better than what I just watched.  I'm sure of it.

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