Tuesday, December 3, 2019

100 Hours of Thanksgiving Eating

(Warning: If you're hungry or just ate a lot, you may want to put off reading this right now)

It's very common that the week after Thanksgiving you hear someone say, "I ate too much at Thanksgiving."  Sometimes it's the turkey or the side dishes or the desserts or even all three of them.  There's no question that people eat a lot on Thanksgiving, but that's really only part of the story.

What about people who travel to celebrate the holiday? They are usually not just eating one day, but  several days.  Everything gets mixed into celebrating the holiday and it's pretty normal to eat too much every day.

Our holiday, driving to New Jersey and back to South Carolina, added up to four days, or approximately 100 hours of excessive eating.  It didn't have to be that way, but it's very easy to do-it's a holiday.

I ate in eight restaurants during that time.  That is enough for a few months for me,, but I did it in 100 hours.  I ate breakfast three straight days in hotels and enjoyed hot eggs, which were very good.  After drinking only a half a glass of soda the past two months, during by Thanksgiving Feast I think I had close to ten glasses of soda. One day I had two breakfasts by adding on a bagel and cream cheese and a half of a breakfast sandwich. I only had three pieces of chocolate cake, but no ice cream.

Our final destination for the holiday came about two hours from home Sunday night. We finally stopped and ate KFC for the first time since moving to the south.  We sat there eating that chicken as if we had never eaten chicken before.  Just to top it off, I left one piece for lunch the next day and as I was driving, I devoured the last of our Thanksgiving Feast.

I will not be getting on my scale this week, because I know what's there-a lot.  It was fun and unhealthy and we'll probably do it all again next year.  I may even cut back a little bit.  Yesterday,
I told someone I was delivering to, that I ate too much for the holiday.  She said, "I wasn't really hungry on Thanksgiving."  If you're not hungry on Thanksgiving, you really have a problem! I feel sorry for her.

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