Saturday, March 28, 2020

Am I A Jogger Now?

How many times do you have to jog before you're considered a jogger? Last Sunday I went out for the first time.  This morning, Saturday, I went out for the second time and jogged? If I go out tomorrow morning and DO IT AGAIN, does that make me a jogger?

Some questions you may or may not be asking: (I'm interviewing myself)

Are you serious? No, I'm a little crazy right now. I'm out early every morning, so not going out early is uncomfortable.  It fits in with losing weight and I always wanted to try it.

What did you really do? I walked and then ran and then walked and then ran and walked and then ran.  Then I turned around and headed for home and walked and then ran and walked and then ran and walked until I got home.

How long did you run? I was gone only 30 minutes, so I'm guessing I ran 15 minutes?

Are you going to get some running shoes instead of the old things you're wearing? I was thinking about it.  How little can I spend? If I do, would I then be a jogger?

How did you feel about doing it? It was a beautiful morning and I did get down the road faster running. I did feel good getting some exercise, I'm not sure I'd say it was fun.  It was okay.

Is this something you're going to continue when you start driving on the weekend? I don't see how since I'm gone very early, but maybe during the week if I have an early day and it's not too hot out, and I have a light dinner, maybe after dinner? Nah-it's not very likely.

Maybe, when I retire one day I'll take up jogging for real, maybe.

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