Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Do You Jog?

I know, some of you hipsters and younger people are saying, "people don't jog anymore, they run."  Well, I crawled before I walked and there's no way I'm going out to just run.  I've never run before, other than playing tennis or basketball or any sport.  I see people running all the time and I've wondered, would I really like that? I love walking fast, this is just a little quicker.

Starting the beginning of this month I decided to lose 20 pounds in the next four months and then July and August to celebrate my 60th birthday I was going to eat some of my favorite foods and not worry about gaining weight.  That may not sound like a great plan, but I'm doing it.  I'm down 6 pounds and I'd like to drop a few more by the end of the month.

To prepare for this I considered jogging, but when would I do it? I'm up too early and go into work too early to jog before work and having a physical workout before doing a physical job doesn't really make sense to me.  When I get home, that really doesn't work either.  On the weekends I get up early and I drive for Uber/Lyft the full day, so, I decided to skip that idea.

Out of nowhere(China) came this virus crisis and I'm now not driving on the weekend.  Today was the day to actually go out and jog.  Did I have the right outfit, of course not.  Did I have the right sneakers, of course not. Did I stretch before I went out exactly the right way, of course not.  I'm not big on doing things "the right way" (I'm passing on the political joke), however, I did go out and jog today.

About 7 am. when there was some daylight I went outside.  It was cool this morning so I wore a sweatshirt on top of my shirt and shorts.  I walked some, ran some, walked some, ran some-you get the picture.  It was cool enough where I had to run, but I stopped when I wanted to except when I saw the street sign that said, "slow down."  I figured that really was a sign for me, so I stopped right there.  I may have been gone a half hour and it was okay.  It was more exercise than walking and it felt pretty good. Will I do it again? I think I will.  Maybe when I retire I'll jog regularly, or maybe I'll run.

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