Thursday, March 5, 2020

I Just Met Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or Theodore Roosevelt!

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am not making it up.  Can you really have a better day than coming home and meeting a former president? Of course, I didn't really meet a former president, but someone who was named after a former president.  Still, I got a kick out of it and it made my day.

So which name was it? I've been told by a reliable source that you're not supposed to use someone's real name or give out too much information that people will know who you're talking to.  I think it's a little much, but I figured I would play along.

When I arrived home the other day, my wife was on the driveway talking with our next door neighbors and someone I didn't know.  He had a dog (almost everyone does here), so naturally the dog was playing a little with my wife.  She may know 10-15 dogs by name in the neighborhood, which may be more than the names of people I know living here.

I was introduced to the man who was either Asian or an African American, who was retired from the Air Force or Navy after 20 plus years.  He's from San Francisco or Los Angeles and he's trying to adjust to being a southerner.  He asked us why so many people were waving at him when he sat on his driveway.  "Why are all these people waving at me," he said. I told him we should get him one of those fake hands and he can just pick it up when people go by.  He wanted to know if people would think he is "stuck-up" if he didn't wave.  We told him that they probably would think that.  He's used to living in a city, so living in suburb is quite a change.

He's a big San Francisco Giant fan (baseball) or is he a Los Angeles Dodger fan? He's also a history buff and we started talking some history, which immediately bored everyone else.  I'm looking forward to talking history and sports with my new neighbor, who of course was named after possibly the most unique President we've ever had. (but which one was it?)

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