Friday, March 13, 2020

"It'll Be Fun!"

One area of my mouth was sensitive and I waited, because I didn't want to go to the dentist.  The discomfort didn't go away so I reluctantly called the dentist.  The office is about five minutes away so it's convenient, if I'm home.  I couldn't get an appointment later in the day for a couple weeks.

Yesterday, I went to the appointment. The dentist is a very cheerful, positive guy, very hard not to like.  He saw that my crown was missing and had to be replaced.  Boy, was I happy! Of course the cost was more than a couple cavities, but what can you do?

He asked if I had 30 minutes or so that afternoon and he could take care of it and give me a discount.  The word discount probably made it sound better, but I said okay.  He told me that I needed to go into the other room and then he said, "it'll be fun."

Having work done in the dentist office is about as far from fun as you can get. But, I am trying to have more fun this year, so I figured I'd give it a shot.  When he numbed my tooth, jaw, tongue, and anything in the vicinity, I felt the needle go in.  When he took it out I said, "was that the fun?"  He got a good laugh out of that line.  That was the only fun on the visit, seeing him laugh.

My best line came when he said to me, "what toothpaste do you use?"  I replied, "red."  I thought he was going to fall on the floor laughing.  He wants me to use just toothpaste with flouride and nothing else.  I don't know what the toothpaste name is or what's in it.  I'm pretty sure there's no coffee ice cream in it, but I didn't say that though.

So, next time you're going to the dentist office, expect to have fun.  I don't think that advice will help you much, but give it a shot.  You never know.

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