Monday, June 15, 2020

The Bag

It's not unusual to lose something, it's very common.  Sometimes its minor and sometimes it's important.  Recently my credit card disappeared.  It must have fallen out of my pocket and I canceled it and got a new one.  I've mentioned this before but wouldn't it be great if you could go online and put all the information in and within 24 hours you get to see a picture of where you left it? You wouldn't be able to get it back because it would automatically go to "the land of lost things." However, at least you would know what happened.

How often though, do you find things? Sure, I still find money on the ground, but if it was something important and it was definitely not yours and you took it by mistake?  Here's the short version of what happened: two of my riders were rushing to get a train. I got to the station and grabbed a suitcase and ran inside the station with them to find out we missed the train by two minutes.  The girlfriend went to the ladies room and I went to the men's room while the boyfriend got his money refunded.

I walked outside to find the girlfriend standing there with a bag on the ground and a suitcase. The boyfriend comes out and we decide to go to the next train station to get another train. The girlfriend takes the suitcase and I take the bag and we put it in my trunk.  Hours later we arrive and empty the trunk and find out that the bag I grabbed is not their bag.  It was sitting in front of the station and no one was in the station, we were the only ones there.

I am three hours from the train station where I took the bag. I call the station and no one was looking for the bag.  There are two names and addresses on a poster board, one in Pennsylvania and one three hours from where I am. The bag has some clothes, a few other things and some inexpensive (?) jewelry or pins. I decide to drive home and figure it out later.

Arriving home, I look up the name on the poster holder on Facebook and I find him.  I send him a message(on messenger) and I don't hear from him.  One of his friends on Facebook is the person who sent the poster to him and I send a message to her.  A day later, I have heard nothing. On the second day my wife sends the girl a message on Instagram and she replies that she's sent her friend a message to call me.

That's when the story gets more bizarre.  I didn't mention that my wife looked through the bag and found pot and not something you would use to cook.  She also found something to vape with and that is expensive too. I get a phone call during dinner from Jeff who is from New Jersey.  His son left the bag at the train station on Friday, twenty-four hours before I picked it up.  He was sending his son home to Northampton, PA. which is only twenty minutes from Phillipsburg, NJ where we used to live.

The son has some mental health issues and has had a heroin problem.  The father told me that his son had recently stolen his motorcycle and the Dad knocked him out with a bat.  He also said something about harpooning him also, but he didn't draw any blood.(no, I'm not making any of this up) The Dad was told by a judge that his son who is in his mid-30's has to get help in Pennsylvania since he's a resident there.

The Dad paid someone $100 to take his son to the train station with a bag of food and the bag I found and buy him a train ticket.  The son for some reason walked into the train station parking lot and into the hospital parking lot and went into the hospital looking for food.  They kept the son for evaluation.

The father seemed very nice and told me I could keep "his" pot, but I politely declined.  He also said if I was in his area I should call him, because he has a very large pool table.  He has a friend in Myrtle Beach who owns a gas station/liquor store and I could drop the bag off there.  I left the house immediately and I made the drop of the bag with the pot to a guy who also was from New Jersey.

And, that's the story of "the bag."

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