Monday, June 29, 2020

What Masks Are Not For

If someone had told you a year ago that one of the biggest topics of discussion in 2020 would be masks, there isn't anyone who would have believed that.  To wear or not to wear, how to wear it, when to wear it, what kind to wear and is wearing one important or effective-these are just some of the topics of conversation that have come up with people around the world this year.

However, absolutely no one is talking about what masks are not for, so I decided to share some thoughts with you.  We know that wearing a mask properly you can look forward and look to the right and to the left, but you don't want to attempt to look down. I realized this one day when I was working and walked into the men's room and walked up to a urinal. Yes, I am going there, with this conversation.  When I looked down I could not see anything! The urinal was there and I was there, but where was "you know what?" Masks are not made for this.

Eating? Are you kidding? When you go to grab a grape or pretzel or carrot while driving, there's no way you can get that past the mask.  If you're driving it's impossible, because you would need two hands to pull the mask back with one hand and force something into your mouth. Masks are not made for this.

Drinking? The great thing about a water bottle with a straw is that you just suck on it and you get water. But, with a mask on, you cannot get the straw to your mouth, it is frustrating if you're thirsty.  Masks are not made for this.

Kissing? It is not recommended. First you would kiss your mask and then the mask of the person you're kissing and I guess you get to the lips of the other person? I have not tried this, but masks are not made for this.

Taking a shower or a swim with a mask? I'd like to see that happen.  Are there waterproof masks? Not likely, but don't try this at home, masks are not made for this.

In conclusion, when the subject of masks come up, think about what they are not for and not all the rest of the stuff.  Maybe that's what masks are really for-to be amused about what they are not for.

Maybe not, but it's a lot more fun thinking about.

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