Thursday, October 1, 2020

September Rider Quotes

As he got in the car he gave me a bottle of Corona and said, "this is for you.  You have to stay hydrated, but not while you're driving."

Bartender who was in foster care for ten years and graduated valedictorian of her high school: "I believe in being a victor not a victim."

"I was drinking Busch Lattees, that's how we say Busch Lite Beer in Ohio."

"My kids hate me because I'm so loud."

(6 am) Me: Are you heading into work? Male Rider: "I'm a better person than that." (?)

"When my wife doesn't like how something sounds that I say with my southern accent, I tell her I can say it any way I want because I make more money than she does."

"I met the singer Mac Davis(who just passed away) and he told me his agent said he should write a "hook" song and he was playing around with his guitar and wrote, "Baby, Don't Get Hooked on Me."(#1 song in 1972)

New South Carolina resident from West Virginia: "Do you have any negative temperatures here? We're used to 12 degrees below zero."

"My wife and I owned several photo shops and we made ugly women beautiful."

Manager: "Everyone wants a job until you give them one."

"My Aunt is a lifelong Democrat, but she was so disgusted with the Democratic Convention that she removed her Biden sign and put a Trump sign on her lawn."

Me: "What do you do?" Male rider" "I do as little as I can."

"I have a pillow problem.  I have four on my bed and four more in my closet.  I had to donate some of them."

Me: "What's the secret of your sales success?"  Rider who has sold timeshare for 17 years: "Ask for the "friggin" money." "When someone says no, I take it as a challenge."

63 year-old male: "My mama told me that if you don't have anything nice to say, shut your mouth up."

"If they had to have a last meal, they would go to Red Lobster."

Female rider said to me, "You're my brother from another mother."

"I started a pageant website after I dated Ms. Georgia and it's now the largest in the world."

"As a bartender I frequently get proposals and death threats, sometimes by the same person depending on the day."

"This was the best Uber ride of all-time."(mine was his third Uber ride that day and the only three he's ever had)

"I care about what we serve, everything that goes out of our kitchen has my name on it. My food sales went up 300% in the first two months."

Front desk manager: "I was talking to this couple who just arrived and they said they almost didn't come because they read an online complaint there was a very mean manager at the hotel who locked people out of their rooms. I then told them I was the "mean" manager.  They said they would have to change it online since I was the sweetest person."

"My uncle was one of only five students who did not take the plane that killed 75 from Marshall University in 1970."

"I could never live back in Philly. The last time I was there I said hello to someone and they looked at me as if they were saying, "who the "F" do you think you're talking to."

"I was in Myrtle Beach a long time ago when the wind chill factor was 5 below zero."

"My Mom said if you ever want to be anything in life you have to go out and get it."

"Anyone who drives her should get double pay."

"My wife found me the job.  She's a much better salesperson than I am, I was her flunky.  She would just get you laughing and you'd hand over your credit card."

"I lived in Maryland and my girlfriend suggested we go on vacation in Charleston. I said no, because I didn't want to spend the money. Two weeks later I decided with a friend to move to the Charleston area without my girlfriend."

"I sell masks and air ventilators."(He didn't have a mask to wear)

"We played five different golf courses in five days, but we don't know how to play."

"Grandchildren are much better to have than children."

Doctor: "I've been working a flexible schedule for two years and it gives me time to explore life.  I took a breathing course in Europe and it changed my life."

"The people down here smile, but then stab you in the back."(in customer service)

"Wear a mask, you don't have a right to kill someone."

Me to New York City Cop: "There's a lot of support for the police here." Cop: "Not so much in New York." 

"There are 1-2 million women in the country who are involved in pageants."

"Dogs give unconditional love. My 70 pound pit bull was a great partner during the virus."

"The toughest thing about being a manager is taking care of everyone's gripes."

"In Colorado this week one place had a high of 91 one day and a high of 36 the next day with snow."

"In Charleston it's like 5 to 1 women to men."

Businessman: "Not having to travel continuously has been a blessing during the pandemic."

"I've lived in 15 cities. My favorites are Charleston(has house on James Island), Denver, and Miami.

"When a mob approached Halls Chop House in Charleston, the owner came out with a gun and shot in the air which drove them away."

Male rider to me: "You're so nice and sweet." Me: "That's what my wife says sometimes."  Rider: "She should tell you that more often." Me: "I'll tell her you said that."  Rider: "Don't tell her my name."

Me: What is Dayton, Ohio like? Female rider: "It's sucky, humid, and no ocean."

After seeing my wife's picture the woman said, "she's beautiful, I love her smile." Me: "Me too." 

Me: How are things going with the virus in Carson City, Nevada?" Rider: "It's pretty smokey."(He thought I asked about the fires in the west)

Male nurse from North Carolina-"I was offered a 13 week job in a New York City hospital and I would have made about $98,000, but I turned it down because I didn't want to leave my wife with two small kids."

"My Mom's favorite song was "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder so she named me "Lovely."

"My nickname is La La and I named my daughter "Leyla" after the Bob Dylan song.

After giving him a mask the rider said, "you're the MVP of the day."

"I got the virus in early June and somehow did not give it to my wife.  She got it a few weeks later from her family."(Nevada rider)

"I'm producing a performance of "Godspell" in November outside in the parking lot at Broadway at the Beach."

"The only reason they love me at work is because I know everything and I do everyone's job."

"I don't always make the best decisions."

Male rider: "I go to my regular physician once a month to have my blood drawn and check on my overall health."

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