Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Frog

 Down here in the south you do hear a lot about alligators. There was a baby one in one of the ponds in our development, which is probably harmless.  I've seen a number of signs telling people not to feed the alligators.  Apparently, many people have the urge to give their food to an alligator and take a picture with it also. I don't give my food to anyone unless I have to and I'm not getting close enough to an alligator to take a picture either.  

I have seen one alligator down here, but our big problem now is that we're being stalked by a frog.  It was outside our garage just staring at the house, maybe wishing he was inside? Then he made his way into our garage, slowly of course.  We haven't seen him move, but he is showing up in different places.  The other night I took the garbage out and he was staring at the purple front door.  I think he like the color too.

Tonight, he was almost back in the garage and my wife had to gently push him towards the grass.  How do you get rid of a frog? When I go out in the morning at 4:30 am, I have to look for the frog, because I don't want to step on it. What does he want with us anyway? 

It's been a difficult year, but it's not any easier with a frog watching your every step. Do alligators eat frogs?

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