Wednesday, June 29, 2022

My Most Memorable Rider Comments in June

 Male: "Downtown Charleston is nice, but when I walk down King St., it doesn't look clean. I feel that it could use a really good whitewash, maybe a weekend of whitewash."

(Couple dating five years) Me: "So you're still in the dating stage?" Him: "We're actually in the married and just want to kill each other stage, we're just not married yet."

Young woman: "You're not going to believe where I'm going. I'm going to a Reptile Convention. In my free time I help rescue exotic animals with other people and right now we're helping a tarantula."

Me: "What kind of work do you do?" Her: "I'm an Anesthesiologist Bitch. I make sure they have all the drugs they need, I'm an aide."

Female attorney: "Paul McCartney was my first crush when I was 3. He's the only 80-year-old-man I would give up for my 60 year-old-man."

Couple married 49 years- Me: "What's the secret to being married 49 years?" Her: "He was out of town three days a week .A sense of humor is very important too." (husband was in sales)

Double amputee: "It bothers me when people say they can't do something. I try to figure out a way to get them to understand they can."

Pulling up to her place she texted me, "I'm brushing my teeth, I'll be right out." She took longer so when she went to get in the car I said, "Before we go I have to check to make sure you brushed." She gave me a big toothy smile.

Young woman: "I'm not going to have any kids, I'm not a nurturing person. This morning when I was checking out, I saw a four-year-old having a seizure in the elevator and I had to help his mom, I was almost in tears."

Woman: "I'd live in a shack if it was only a couple hundred dollars a month."

Male: "I believe in CF Stupid.(can't fix stupid) I have a t-shirt that says, "I'm a mechanic but my wrench can't fix stupid."

Me: "Where are you from?" Her: "Up North." Me: "New Jersey?" Her: "Further north." Me: Connecticut? " Her: "North, Minnesota." Me: "You do know you're on the east coast, right?"

I asked the 75 year-old man, "how long did it take you to get used to retirement when you retired twenty years ago?" Him: "It took me one day. The old football coach, Bum Phillips, once said, "I'm not planning on doing nothing and I'm not starting until noon."

The owner of a Chinese restaurant said, "I'm a croggy liberal so the goal for me is to make a good life, but not to suck everything out of my business. I'm okay with paying my dishwasher $15 an hour."

The young woman said, "I'm so sorry I canceled on you before." Me: "No problem, I think you're the first person to ever say that. Actually, a written apology would be better."

Him: "I was breaking out on my face and my pharmacist knew right away it was the mask and he told me what to put on it. He said I had "maskne."

Him: "My grandmother always sneezes 3-6 times. I wait until she's done before I bless her."

Heading to the music festival he said, "If we get lightning our best bet is just to go down in a fetal position, because everyone will be heading out quickly."

Him: "My kids say to me, Dad, you have to join this millennium." I say to them, "Send me a postcard."

Male: "I do "Hospital Uber." I work in transportation in the hospital getting people around."

Male: "What's a $159 Uber bill when I have the keys in my pocket to a $7 million dollar house."(does remodeling of homes)

The 75-year-old man told me, "My wife and daughter say that I talk too much." Me: "That's ridiculous, you take this note back to them." I wrote, "I loved talking to him, he doesn't talk too much. The Uber Driver."

The woman came from Brazil to Charleston on a three week vacation and now wants to stay.  Me: "What do you like best about the area?" Her: "My boyfriend."

Young realtor from New York: "It's against the law here for a buyer to give a letter to a seller. When I get a letter, I read it and throw it out.  They are usually sob stories on why they should buy the house, like my Dad's head exploded or some other thing."

Male: "One of my fondest memories of New Jersey is buying a big sub in Long Branch."

Finance guy: "Numbers don't lie, but people with numbers do."

Realtors in their 50's: "Three years ago we had several people suddenly pass away all around the same time.  We decided then that each month we were going to take a week vacation, so we just turned down some business."

Teenager from Minnesota: "We're friendly to outsiders in Minnesota, but not to each other. We don't like each other."

Him: "I think how friendly people are in in the south is a myth, however, they are much friendlier here than the northeast."

Young woman: "I love living in Downtown Charleston, it gives me accessibility to life."

24 year old woman in New York in customer service: "I'm just riding the wave wherever life takes me."

The young man works in a restaurant and told me, "I have two friends working here as dishwashers for $19 an hour and after 60 days I'm going to get a $300 referral bonus for each of them. I've been feeding them steak and keeping them happy."

Young man from San Diego: "The beaches there are contaminated due to chemicals from Mexico."

The woman in her 20's said about downtown Charleston, "There aren't any men in this town."

Retired man: "As a man of faith I haven't found anything in the bible that talks about retirement." (against retiring)

Wealthy man: "When you have money, you don't want to have the money in your name, because people can take it from you."

She: "Washington State is beautiful because of all the rain."

Health care expert: "95% of all health care professionals are excellent."

When I told the couple we moved to Myrtle Beach because my wife was a beach person, he said, "A compliant man." Then, I told him that we were married 38 years and he said, "A compliant man."

The security guard for the music festival said, "I point out where all the stupid people are."

Picking up a guy named Aaron in Mt. Pleasant I said to him, "One of my favorite riders is an Aaron from here who told me he's an attitude adjuster." Him: "That's me, I'm Aaron" (He's been wearing a mask the last few times)

The woman from Wyoming said, "Your car isn't orange enough, my jeep is a fiery orange."

Male: "My grandmother taught me this- "Work with excellence."

She: "People say they are from Boston when it's really New Hampshire, because people don't know where New Hampshire is."

She: "One of my friends years ago fell from a crane and broke almost every bone in his body, but he lived."


She: "The woman Uber driver last night was great. She had lights and a microphone and we did karaoke, it was great."

She: "I had a driver the other day that talked on the phone in a different language the entire ride."

The Charleston bartender told me, "Two months ago there was a shortage of drivers here, it was taking people like 30 minutes to get a ride, day and night."

Disabled man: "I loved Doordash during the pandemic because I was making $1,600 a week."

After doing "Sports Talk Uber" with him, the New Yorker handed me a $10 tip and said, "I know you guys don't get enough tips."

Male: "Our Uber driver yesterday told us the night before he picked up "Mr. Beast" (a famous U-Tuber who gives away money)  When he heard that the driver subscribed to many of his programs, he told him to pull into a bank.  He took out $30,000 and gave it to him."

After telling him I had three people in my car today with serious medical problems, the 70-year-old man said, "I can add to that. I was hit on a motor bike in the middle of an intersection.  I was in the hospital for seven weeks and broke almost everything on the upper right side of my body.  I broke my ribs and a stint was put in for my heart.  I've been out five weeks and I have no pain."

Two riders from New Hampshire on separate rides told me about "River Dave." "He's a famous sqauatter in New Hampshire who lived in a shack for 27 years on someone else's property. The owner of the land died and the son's had him arrested for contempt.  While in jail, the shack burned to the ground. A GoFundMe was started for the 80-year-old man and raised $200,000.  A year later, "River Dave" went back to live on the same property and was arrested again."

Former female Uber driver: "I had a young guy in Boston that wanted me to help him pick which of five women he was going to go to that night. I let him talk about them and narrow down to two and then he picked the one and I took him there."

The huge Boston Red Sox fan told me that his daughter was a server and one day he gave a guy with a Yankee hat a really hard time. "She took his order last only after he checked his NY. hat and then gave him his food last and treated everyone else better. The guy enjoyed it and personally gave her a $50 tip when he left."

Older man: "I've lived in the north and south of three different countries including here and people in the south are always friendlier because they are outside more since the weather is nicer, however, people in the northern parts of the countries are more loyal and have closer relationships with people since they are inside more."

Red Sox fan: "Years ago my friend and I were at a bar and overheard two new Red Sox players talking about writer Peter Gammons who was also there. One player said, "I'd like to go over there and knock him out, he said I can't play defense." The player was future Hall of Famer, Wade Boggs.

The recent high school grad said to me at the end of the ride, "I'll tip you on the app." I believed him and said, "Thank you, not a lot of young people understand that, it shows that you were raised well." (parents-lawyer and in sales) He: "It's important to tip when you get great service."(he did tip)


Him: "People told me that going into the Marine Corps was the toughest branch to go into it, that's why I did it." 

Male: "I was told that in the Army you were just "bulletstoppers."

"I was in the Peace Corps and now I'm a business developer in the Foreign Service and I've been to 30 countries."

"I got into coding when I worked in a law office, technology surrounded me."

When I told him that my daughter had lived in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, he said, "She's hipper and cooler than people like me who are in South Brooklyn."

Train conductor: "I love it, being able to help get people to where they need to go."

In the Air Force stationed in Italy he said he was enjoying it there, "the food and wine is amazing."

Young man: "You won't believe what my grandfather's first name is-the polish name is pronounced "Bugamula," and he goes by "Bugsey."

"My company in New York just instituted safety measures and warnings for traveling in New York. One of our employees was pushed off a subway platform and died. They are now paying all of our local traveling costs."

She: "Vancouver is Hollywood North" because we have such a diversity of places that it's easy to film there and it's cheaper."

The Inspector General in The Air Force said, "We're in charge of investigations, but not all investigations."

Him: "It's a lot better talking sports in an Uber than listening to Indian music the whole trip."

He: "I live in the middle of nowhere in Louisiana."

After talking sports with him for most of the trip, the New Yorker said, "Were you a sportswriter?"

She: "Work is a beautiful thing."

She: "Oh yeah, being in the Assisted Living industry the last couple years was super-fun."

Getting in the car the young woman said, "Look at all the things you have hanging up there." Me: "Each one has story, what do you want to know about first?" Looking at my business card where I put an X over Lyft since I don't drive for them now she said, "Why did you cross out Lyft?"

Handing me a cash tip she said, "Chivalry is not dead."

Male: "I really like the vibe you have in your car. You're the best Uber driver we've had. We need more people like you in this world."

Me: "Are you Cowboy fans?" Him: "Isn't everyone?"

"I'm so glad are paths crossed."

After rescuing her family from the restaurant in the pouring rain, she got out of the car and said to me, "that was great."

She said, "I can tell you really enjoy what you do."

She: "I love people who smile."

Woman from Vancouver: "I can tell how passionate you are about your job, it's refreshing."

She: "You have so much energy, you're such an optimist."

She: "I genuinely enjoyed this trip."

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