Thursday, June 30, 2022

What Our Dog Odin Said About Our Trip to New Jersey

 Our dog, Odin, is the first pet I've ever had in my life and over the past 16 months I frequently would wonder, what does he think about this-what would he say? One Uber rider, who has a job watching dogs, told me that, "Dogs think like dogs." Her comments still make me laugh today.  I thought I would share some of the things that Odin said on our week trip to New Jersey to visit our daughter and son-in-law in their new house.

3 am. Friday, June 17th

Waking Odin up to head to New Jersey. Odin: "Do they know what time it is, it's dark out? Who gets up at this hour, I don't even have to pee yet? I need my beauty rest."

3:30 am Friday June 17th

Putting Odin in the car he said, "What are they doing? Where are we going? I don't want to get in the car-it is comfortable here, I can probably sleep some.....

3:30 pm Friday June 17th

After sleeping most of the last 12 hours, my wife said to Odin, "We're almost there." Odin said, "What's there? Is it like here, because this is not very comfortable anymore? Do we have to go to New Jersey, isn't South Carolina nicer?

8:00 pm Friday June 17th

Settling Odin into his new surroundings he looked comfortable in his little bed that he hangs out in.  Odin: "This isn't too bad. What's with that huge fan above me and the floors have no carpet. And, there's some large picture thing with moving people, is that real?(TV) I'm just going to sit here and check things out. When are we eating again?"

Saturday Morning

Odin gets into his other comfortable position, laying in the backyard and not wanting come into the house. If you look closely you can see his leash stretched out and I'm on the other end trying to get him to come in. Odin: "How could they not have a fountain and a pond like we have at home? Where are all the dogs? I don't hear any of them barking? I'm going to sit here until I'm ready to go in.

During the week: Taking Odin for walks, he absolutely loved the grass.  This was the open field nearby that he really enjoyed. Odin: "This is the backyard I should have at home. I feel like a king.  No fence, just open space, if I can just shake off this leash. Look at those clouds, is this Iowa or is it Colorado?"

Spending a lot of time with Odin, at times I got too close and he licked me or gave me a kiss.  I'm not ready for that kind of relationship, it's only been 16 months! Odin: "If they are not going to feed me enough, I'll lick anything I can get to. This wasn't very tasty, but I look pretty good in this picture, a lot better than Jeff."

Mid-week: The long walks and different atmosphere took a toll on Odin and he was exhausted from the trip.  Soon, we would be heading home to get to his fenced in backyard with a fountain and pond.  Here's a close up of his face when he's sleeping, Awwwww! Odin: "We've been here too long, I have to jump up steps to get in the house and I'm sick and tired of it. I'm ready to get back in the car again and go home, I hope they don't do that 3 am thing again." (We did)

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