Monday, December 12, 2022

Have You Ever Hit a Mailbox With a Suitcase?

I take a lot of pride on doing things that other people don't do and this is certainly one of them. I've heard of people hitting a mailbox with a car or a lawnmower.  I imagine people have shoveled snow and hit their mailbox because they couldn't see the mailbox. I never expected to hit a mailbox with a suitcase, but here's how it happened:

This is the suitcase below. It's a pretty good size and it was full and on the heavy side. My wife and I had just arrived in New Jersey for Thanksgiving week and it had just gotten dark.  I was emptying the trunk and taking everything out.  I took this suitcase out and put it on the sidewalk.


I turned around and grabbed the smaller suitcase and put it next to the bigger one.  As I turned around towards the trunk, I heard a noise from the suitcase and it didn't sound good. Both suitcases were now rolling towards the mailbox pictured below.  As I started running towards the smaller suitcase, I grabbed it and watched the larger suitcase crash into the mailbox.

I quickly grabbed the larger one, because I didn't want my wife to see her suitcase lying on the ground.  The mailbox survived with no damage, but the camera on the house did see what happened.  I must have gently touched the big suitcase with the smaller one and the big one took off.  There is a video of this action, but fortunately you can't see everything since it was partially blocked out of view.  I was going to stage the suitcase lying on the ground playing dead a few days later, but I decided to spare you that awful image.

The moral of the story is that it is a lot better to have suitcases without wheels and you should always put a strong fence around the mailbox for protection. This will keep dogs away and also of course runaway luggage.

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