Sunday, April 8, 2018

How Much Milk Do You Need To Block Out The Taste of the Orange Juice in Your Cereal?

Let's say you're putting your Cocoa Krispies in your bowl on a Sunday morning and you're distracted. You open the fridge to grab the milk and you grab the orange juice instead.  I'm not saying I did this, but what if you did this?  You start pouring orange juice into your cereal and suddenly realize your mistake.

The important question of the day is: how much extra milk do you need to pour into your cereal to drown out the orange juice taste? My guess is that you need more than normal.  I think scientifically the orange juice might spread out across the bowl and the extra milk combined with the cocoa from the Cocoa Krispies could make your cereal completely taste normal.

Some people like to drown their cereal in milk anyway and then they rescue the bits of cereal with each scoop of their spoon.  I've actually heard cereal gasping for their last breath as they come out of the milk and just before they are chewed are swallowed and gone forever.

The answer to the question of the day is: put some extra milk in and everything will be okay and whatever you do, don't tell anyone what you did at breakfast this morning.

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