Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Red Sox Fans

There is no better or more bitter rivalry in all of sports than the Yankees and Red Sox.  These two baseball teams have a history that go back to the early 1900's  when the Red Sox sold a young pitcher/outfielder by the name of Babe Ruth to the Yankees.  The Yankees became THE franchise in baseball and Babe Ruth became THE baseball player in the game and it's been like this for the last hundred years.(and the next hundred years)

When I started working in South Carolina, I met Dave from New England and naturally he was a big Boston Red Sox fan.  We became quick friends and have shared with each other some of our favorite Yankee-Red Sox moments.  It's the first week of the season and we are already teasing each other about each team.(The Red Sox are off to a great start and the Yankees just an average start)

The other night Monika and I were walking on the beach and we started talking with a couple small kids about shells and their Dad came over.  He was from the New England area and spotted my New York Yankee hat I was wearing and of course he was a Red Sox fan.  We talked baseball for a good fifteen minutes and had a great conversation about our teams.  It was a lot of fun.

When we walked away, Monika asked me how two strangers who are rooting for two opposing sides could be so friendly? It was a good question and the answer is very simple.  Most people are friendly and everyone is unique and has their own views about just about everything.  If you're open and friendly to people there's no reason why people can't be cordial and enjoy talking with one another.

Besides, I'm not going to hold it against the guy on the beach or Dave at work just because they are rooting for the "wrong" team.

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