Thursday, April 26, 2018

"I Want To Check Her For Lice"

I like country music, but not all country music.  I wouldn't even say that I like a lot of country music, but I am a fan.  A few years back when I was watching American Idol I was exposed to country music and I was surprised.  There were some great voices and some ballads that could easily be pop songs.

There are a lot of people who have a misconceptions about country music.  I used to think it was loud music with a heavy accent and someone wearing a cowboy hat.  It sounds ridiculous, but that's what I thought.  There are plenty of people who would never admit to liking country music, but they have heard some country songs that they like.

I have to admit though, some of the songs are really funny.  I remember hearing the song "Beer Money" and the lyrics went something like this: "You got the kiss that tastes like honey and I got a little beer money."  I laugh every time I hear that song, because I can write lyrics like that.(I actually have and worse)  It is actually a pretty good song, believe it or not.

Yesterday I heard a song that I really believe the lyrics were- "I want to check her for lice."  I can understand where he's coming from, but I'm pretty sure no one wants to be anywhere close to lice.  Yet, somehow that song made it on the air.

Being down here in South Carolina there are more people who like country music.  I can't say I like it any more or less than I did four months ago, but I do like it-some of it.  Some of it sounds absolutely awful.  I guess there's good and bad in most things and the only way to find the good in something is to be exposed to it.

So expose yourself -you know what I mean, to some new things.

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