Saturday, April 21, 2018

Just Like Riding a Bicycle

They say that once you learn to ride a bicycle you don't forget how to do it.  I think this applies to a lot of things.  If there is something you haven't done in awhile that you used to enjoy doing, don't hesitate-just go out and do it.

Playing tennis was always something I enjoyed doing going back to Junior High School days in the 1970's.  I was never on a high school team like some people, but I played well enough and learned to switch hands while I played.  Over the last ten years I've only played a couple times and I was looking forward to getting back on the court in South Carolina and starting to play regularly.

My daughter's boyfriend, Arber, was visiting and we went out this evening and volleyed for awhile.  I'm not sure, but I may have lost a step or two and I did start off slowly.  It took a little while until I started playing better, but I enjoyed it from the first couple swings.

So what have you been putting off doing that you'd really enjoy doing, but you haven't done it in a long time? Maybe it is actually riding a bicycle or contacting someone you haven't heard from in awhile.  Whatever it is, the time to do it is .... now.  Don't hesitate, don't procrastinate, just do it.

You may enjoy it as much as I enjoyed playing tennis tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I haven't played tennis in some time, I always say it takes a while for me to get back into the swing of things. I had a lot of fun, too! Not just playing tennis, but also going around and hanging out with you guys :)
