Friday, December 21, 2018

Did I Tell You About The Gas Prices Here?

I have no idea if I did or not.  Three weeks ago I wrote a blog that the gas prices dropped under $2.00 per gallon.  I was thrilled and shocked that they had continued to drop past the $2.17 I paid when I first arrived here just after Christmas last year.  I had been telling visitors here how happy I was to pay so little for gas.

Three weeks ago I saved a draft of that blog, but apparently did not post it according to the records on my blog.  It still shows it has a draft.  However, my youngest daughter said that she read it.  I have no clue based on my incredible technological skills.(yes, that is funny)

However, I am paying $1.87 now and that isn't funny, it's ridiculous.  Within the past two weeks a lawyer in Florida(who will go nameless) posted something on Facebook about the low gas prices in "red" states(Republican) versus "blue" states(Democratic).  He asked if there was a "conspiracy."  I did not reply on Facebook, but here's the obvious answer:

For the most part, "red" states have less taxes and "blue" states have more taxes.  That's primarily how Republicans and Democrats like it.  There are some exceptions to that and not too long ago Republican Governor Chris Christie raised gas taxes in "blue" New Jersey.  This is one of the main philosophical differences between Republicans and Democrats, less taxes versus more taxes.

I'm now paying thirty cents less per gallon from when I got here.  If I fill up three times a week(which I have) that's 40 gallons or saving $12.00 a week in gas or $48 a month or almost $600 this next year if they stayed this low.  Do you know what that $48 extra a month can buy?

We can get two rotisserie chickens for free each week? I'm hungry just thinking about it.

We can go to the movies twice a week and buy popcorn and a soda and have money left over.

We can go out to dinner twice a week and just get a main course.

You get the picture. I'm very happy paying $1.87 for gas.  Got to run and get some gas.

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