Monday, May 13, 2019

Can Anyone Answer A Direct Question?

I'm waiting, did you answer yet? If you said yes, are you sure?  It's amazing to me that some people have a very difficult time doing this.  Maybe they are not paying attention to the person talking or they are reading something too quickly or they just want to talk about what they want to talk about.  If I ask you, do you like coffee ice cream and your answer is, my stomach doesn't feel good tonight-you did not answer the question

Six weeks ago, I submitted a couple easy questions to Uber to understand better how a Rider can schedule a ride in advance.  After eight e-mails, I surrendered.  They could not or would not give me a direct answer.  This is a common occurrence with Uber Support, but we have no idea why this happens consistently.

With technology as advanced as it today, how is it people can't answer a direct question? We have a Facebook Group for Uber and Lyft drivers and I asked a question for anyone to respond too.  The question was, what per cent of drivers are full-time(online for 40 hours or more a week) and how many of them are part-time? under 40 hours a week)  I guessed only 15-20 per cent were full-time.
Two drivers gave me a thumbs up, which could mean they agree with my guess and seven others told me their hours and if they were full or part-time.  Most of them did not answer my question.

The next time someone asks you a question, pause and think to yourself, what do they want to know? Then, answer the question as best you can. If you don't know, say, "I don't know."  Can you do that?


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