Thursday, May 16, 2019

Words of Wisdom

I was delivering to the main lobby of a very nice home community in Myrtle Beach recently.  I've been there many times, but this was the first time I saw what was engraved into the wall in big letters.  It read:

Another Day.  Another Chance To Do As Little or As Much As You Choose

I read it a couple times and then wrote it down when I got in my car.  I assume the reason it's on the wall is to promote the community and is mostly directed to the homeowners or future homeowners that are retired.  However, I think it can be applied to everyone.

Every day we do have the power to choose what we want to do and how much we want to get done.  Sometimes the most productive thing to do it rest. (I have one of those days every month or two) Seriously though, there is a lot in those words.  People make lists and plan what they want to do for a particular day and it has been proven that if you do that, you will get more done.  That does not mean you will get everything done, just more.

What do you put into your work, if you are working? Some people regularly put in 100% and some people don't. Some people "go the extra mile" on a regular basis and those people usually stand out.  There's no doubt that I really enjoy getting things done and I like to move quickly.  The other day, the receptionist at a hospital I was delivering to, said this to me as I walked towards her, "do you have only one speed, fast?"  I replied, "yes.".  She sees me constantly walking briskly while just about everyone else is moving at a slower pace.  A worker at Wal-Mart recently told me, "you should slow down."  I didn't bother to tell her that I have, I used to move faster in New Jersey.

There's been a lot in the papers concerning Uber and Lyft drivers and whether they are employees or independent contractors.  I constantly read all the horrible stories and complaints how independent contractors are taken advantage of and are suffering.  For the past 25 years I've been an independent contractor andI've managed and supervised independent contractors.  It's a very good thing and The Department of Labor just confirmed that Uber drivers are independent contractors.  I get to decide when and how much I work and pretty much how I work-I wouldn't want it any other way.

So, what are you going to do today or tomorrow? You do have a choice and even if you're an employee, think like it's your own business.  You're in charge of your life and your actions, so go ahead and do what you choose to do.

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