Monday, May 6, 2019

Celebrating May Day(oops, I forgot to publish this on May 1)

Today I am celebrating May Day, but not the May Day you are thinking about.  It's not even the May Day you don't know about.  May Day, May 1st, is actually a holiday around the world.  Although it is somewhat celebrated in this country, it is best known in The Soviet Union who started celebrating this day in 1917 to celebrate their worker's by showing off their military force in a parade.

The May Day I'm celebrating is from four years ago when our youngest daughter, Marisa,(I probably can use her real name), had one of the ultimate great days someone can have.  I will probably get some of these details wrong and she will certainly correct me.  However, the bottom line about this day is this-you never know, almost anything is possible.

Marisa was about six weeks away from graduating high school and she had applied for over thirty scholarships, from small ones to very large ones.  I was working a 19 hour day on the road and it turned out to be one of the most memorable road days I've ever had.

It all started when Marisa was in school and I believe she found out she had won a small scholarship and then she found out she won the $40,000 scholarship.  Several students won the same award which was given out by The Singer Corporation.  That is when I got my first phone call.  I was a little concerned to hear her voice when she was in school, because I don't get personal calls on days like that.  Then, I was just stunned and could not not believe the great news.

Marisa went home and in the mail she found out she received another scholarship which I think made three for the day.  The clincher was the next phone call.  She received a call from Google and the woman asked her, "how are you doing today?"  Could she have been doing any better? No, until the woman told her that she had been selected to attend the Google summer internship program in New York City.

That's when I got my second phone call.  It was too unbelievable for one day, for one person.  We actually refer to today as "Marisa Day."  So, I'm sending this out to our youngest child who right now is out in China for five weeks starting her first job as a software developer.  She's going to have some pretty special days in her life, but it will be tough to beat May Day, May 1, 2015.

Love you Marisa and we're both very proud.

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