Thursday, May 23, 2019

Is it Bad If You Eat Corn on The Cob That Wasn't Cooked?

This is hypothetical of course.  Let's say you're home alone for dinner and you're looking for some things to eat.  You come across the corn on the cob leftovers from a couple nights ago. You take it out and you look at it.  Is it cooked?  You smell it.  You hold up to your face and take a good luck at it.  It looks cooked, but is it?

If I take a bite I should be able to tell if it's cooked, right? You take a bite and it tastes good.  You take another bite and still tastes good.  You swallow and you feel okay.  You wonder, if it isn't cooked, how long would it take to notice?

After eating the whole corn on the cob and enjoying it, you still feel good and you're still hungry.  You wonder, if this isn't cooked how bad would it be to eat a second corn on the cob?  It probably wouldn't make much of a difference.  And so, the second piece is history.

Finishing the second piece you still have some doubts, was it cooked or uncooked?  After four hours you appear to be safe and have not rushed into the bathroom or had sharp stomach pains.  As you get ready for bed you ask yourself, "will I be able to sleep if it wasn't cooked?"

This is just hypothetical situation of course.  But, if you did eat uncooked corn on the cob, what would happen?  We may never know the answer.

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