Monday, January 20, 2020

Not About Staten Island

Have you ever gotten into a conversation with someone who tells you way too much information about something you don't want to know about? I'm sure you've had it happen.  A few moments ago someone told me that she learned a lot about Staten Island, New York and she didn't want to know about it. How do you politely stop someone from going on and on and on?  Here are a few simple suggestions:

1. Look at your cell phone(assuming you are not over 90 and do not have a cell phone)- "Excuse me, I just got a text I have to reply to."  Walk away and when the person turns their head, run.  Or, come back in a few minutes and immediately bring something else up.

2. Get sick- Make funny faces and say, "excuse me, I just ate something and it's not sitting right. Where is the restroom?"

3. Start coughing a lot to get sympathy and this will get a lot of attention. (it worked for Hillary)

But, what if someone is posting blogs about things you don't want to know about.  One of my readers in Brooklyn, New York, said this, "Sometimes your blogs are so stupid I can't believe you're blogging about it."  Some of you might agree with this statement concerning this blog, but now you know who is to blame.  This is the same person who moments later said, "Sometimes I look for your blog and I'm disappointed there is none." (there's at least one happy reader this morning, who is probably laughing with her head way back right now)

But, what about the favorite stories that people have?  These are the stories that you hear over and over and over and you can now tell the story as well or better than the person telling you.  I've decided to make it easier on my wife and kids and some of my immediate family, by putting all my favorite stories and some blurbs together in one fairly short book. This way, when I want to tell one of these stories I can just tell them what page the story is on and it will be much easier for both of us.  Looking ahead to November's big election night, I know that the fun I've had following politics the past five years should be slowing down some by the end of the year.

Since I'm going to have more fun this year, writing another book is something I'll enjoy. (even if no one really reads it)  And, the book will not be about Staten Island.

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